It all turns messy, from there, as cross country homicide interrogations, and trusting a murderer to make his way back to where he's a wanted man, at his own expense, and one of the biggest coincidences in the history of crime!! Send us a tip using our annonymous form. This week, in Trinidad, Colorado, a minister's wife has an appetite for certain things. It's an insane tale of twisting & twisted relationships, ending in horror. Head to for all things Small Town Murder! When he finds a much younger woman, he thinks he's found his perfect match, but little does he know that his new bride, and a cast of ridiculous characters are actively trying to kill him, while he obliviously goes about his business, unknowingly thwarting murder plots, left & right. This is one for the ages! However, rest assured to be updated on the matter as soon as he reveals it to the public. This week, in Caribou, Maine, what starts out as a seemingly minor crime, spins out of control, until an elaborate, and deadly murder plot is hatched. And that's where the fun starts! From there, they engage in a self described "Bonnie & Clyde" episode, leaving in their wake, many people, fighting for their lives, and one absolutely horrific, and near surgical attack, that can hardly be believed. One afternoon, a backyard bbq, among friends & family ends with with drunken screaming, accusations of dirty goings on, and some amateur auto mechanic work. It's a hairy, dirty murder mystery, that will shock you, all the way up to the current day! Only thing is, one of the stories happens to have many witnesses to back it up!! Afterwards, the murderer starts taking other people out to see the body, while bragging about how the murder occurred. The suspect is a terrible man, who keeps reinventing himself with new names & appearances. He wasn't some boring, old timey guy, though. This week, in Grayson, Kentucky, a troubled man with a rough history, gets out of prison, finds a girlfriend, and gets wasted. Incompetence in the investigation, heartless brutality, and crazy court proceedings make this a truly insane story!! This week, in Decatur, Alabama, a young widow, with an infant daughter finds love with a new husband, but he doesn't quite provide her with the lifestyle she desires, so she decides to leave him. It's a wild ride!! Because the case is just that wild. With James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman, 358 episodes, 23 ratings & reviews. This week, in Houma, Louisiana, a series of unfortunate events derail a man's life, after he had done so much to turn it around. On Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Wondery, Wondery+, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts! Along the way, we find out that people in Idaho don't seem to like Idaho, that you probably shouldn't video incriminating things, and that Ed Gein might not be the best role model for the youth!! Along the way, we find out that Walgreens managers don't get paid enough to have a wife, 5 kids, and a side piece, that certain people don't believe in banks, and that your psychic vision shouldn't include you, if you're one of the murderers!! This leads to paranoia, conspiracy theories, and brutal, heartless violence. The Ex? Like men, in the congregation. Along the way, we find out that William Penn was overrated, that holding a sex tape hostage is an awful thing to do, and that more murder isn't the answer to your murder conviction!! Attention quickly focuses on a neighborhood teenager, with a creepy history, a love for girls that wear purple, and a real penchant for Satan, and anything remotely Satanic! A thin plot, somehow covered up for longer than it should have been, but questions still remain. This week, in Burlingame, California, we return for part 2 of the story of a man with a long history of perverted, violent, and downright disturbing behavior works his way through the world, leaving behind a trail of mutilation, and death. This week, in Stafford, Connecticut, the disappearance of an exotic dancer leaves police with a few leads & suspects, but one particular person rises to the top of the list. When she comes up missing, there's quite a few people who have an idea of what happened, but the truth is incredibly shocking, and disturbing!! All while the wives & kids, waited in the car. But what caused this? Will his incredibly harrowing background sway the court to let him live, or will he let out some of the oddest last words that we've heard? A terrible attack, leads to a ridiculous manhunt, that lasts 3 years, with paths crossing with everyone from a fashion designing cult leader, to Dolly Parton. Michael Jordan? Along the way, we find out that syrup needs ambassadors, that some people just know how to talk to people, and that if you're going to have your girlfriend kill someone, don't then have sex with her, while a house full of cops listen in, trying to get evidence on you!! It's absolutely creepy, and awful. This week, in Booneville, Mississippi, a beloved young woman, in her first two months of college, has it all going for her. UTA brokered the deal. Listen online, no signup necessary. This week, we look into the affluent town of Warrenton, Virgina, where an heiress, and her Argentinian Polo player boyfriend's relationship turns sour, and leads to murder, among the horse farms, and large estates of the wealthy, and powerful.Along the way, we find out how the idle rich spend their time, how much it costs to field a country club polo team, and how much money you need to have to make jail similar to a Red Roof Inn! This week, in Greenwood, Florida, a local rivalry is heated up when there are accusations of affairs, and worse. A wild story, all the way through! Where is he? He ex? Along the way, we find out that it is definitely possible to be too religious, that just because you heard God say it, it doesn't mean God said it, and that starting your own religion may just be too difficult to do without murder!! The answer to that is a little more complicated & disturbing. Seriously crazy murder plan here! This week, in Addy, Washington, a rugged, but close family, lives in a remote area, and makes a living mostly off the land. This week, in Dallas, Oregon, a successful family gives up the grind of the city, and moves out to the country, so they can run a farm, and shelter their children from the dangers of the big city. This week, in Berlin, New Jersey, a simple backyard confrontation, between a young woman's new boyfriend, and her ex-boyfriend, turns into a family melee, with a large hunting bow & arrow makes its way onto the scene. James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman, the hosts of the podcasts Small Town Murder and Crime in Sports, have partnered with Art19 to create a podcast network.Called the Upside Down Digital Network, it aims to go beyond the true crime and comedy genres they are already working in to include shows that feature personal narrative, interview-style, and serial and episodic podcasts. But instead of using this for a defense, the killer decides to praise Hitler & make more threats! Along the way, we find out that you never know what's in someone's head, that the Sheriff shouldn't hang out with jurors, and that just when you think you've heard human nature hit rock bottom this guy comes along! This week, in McCook, Nebraska, a couple goes missing, with the family suspecting foul play, but they never suspect just how, or why any of this has happened. Along the way, we find out that you better not turn your porch light on in this town, that you shouldn't take a creepy person's offer to take nude pictures of you, and that you can't be your own alibi!! This one was just too much atrocity to fit into one show. This week, we check out the town of Irvington, Alabama, where a man, with a troubled past, seems to be getting his life back on track, until one night goes terribly wrong, and things get out of control. A nice couple ends up dead, and the police race against time to try to find him, after he's kidnaped several women, and may be holding them, alive!! This all leads to a disturbingly brutal crime & even more inept cover up! Let's just say that his cause of death is one that is rarely given out. Did they break up & run in separate directions? When he is caught, he not only confesses, but is proud of what he did. This week, in Clarence, Iowa, a family with some problems, like Mom is a convicted murderer, and Dad is an out of work trucker, who is having an affair with his adult step daughter, lead to seemingly inevitable circumstances, when one of them ends up on the side of a rural gravel road. ", and for the rest of the town, who wonders if they're next. Along the way, we find out we know nothing about horse shows, that it's really hard to have a fist fight in the back seat of a car, and that you can't keep changing your murder story, if you want to be taken seriously! Along the way, we find out why this is a place where people run from their problems, how many people can live possibly in one tiny trailer, and how far into the desert you need to bury people if you don't want them found! This week, in Florence, Arizona, one of the craziest stories we've ever had unfolds in just as weird of a way. Or, is is something more sinister? Life was perfect Until people started disappearing. This week, in Clinton, North Carolina, where a storybook small town couple make a nice little life for themselves or so it seemed. Along the way, we find out that glass making seems pretty boring, that there is seemingly no end to small town corruption, and that two shotgun blasts to the head are considered very much intentional!! It's a twisted tale of stolen drugs, spurned advances, and revenge. Plus, we really need to know what "scrap food" could be! That includes a young lady, who he manipulates into killing a man that she used to see, out of pure jealousy. Along the way, we find out Pennsylvania is half Arkansas, that building bicycles at Wal-Mart might not be your best career path, and that fingerprints plus confession, plus DNA seems pretty open & shut!! This week, we see what goes on in Iowa, Louisiana, where a terrible person escalated his crimes to the point of pure brutality, and to the point where the harshest of penalties was being sought And then it got even more interesting. This is all unspeakable horror & violence, but it gets even worse when we find out who the killer is, and what their past looks like. A terribly bumbling investigation of the bloody & horrific crime scene follows, complete with awful police work. The murder is unimaginably horrible, giving even the investigators nightmares, for years to come. Other than his two podcasts, James also co-hosts PS I Hate This Movie a weekly TV, Film, and Comedy podcast alongside Sarah Hunt. As of now, the podcast has aired over 295 episodes and has a rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars. Along the way, we find out that a "Little Tuggers contest" is something that exists, that not all confessions are created equal, and that everyone involved in a murder is just as responsible as anyone else who is involved in a murder!! Along the way, we find out that Wisconsin is really, seriously obsessed with cheese, that sometimes a divorce is just easier than murder, and that you probably shouldn't show trophies from your vicious murder to the other guys at work!! This week, in Eyota, Minnesota, a group of young, drifting restaurant workers form what they call a "family". It's a wild one!! Along the way, we find out that the desert is an unforgiving place, that stupid, unattractive people can sometimes be swayed by smarter, more attractive people, and that you should never include a potato in your murder kit!! But when only one of them is found, wrapped in a blanket, and mutilated, beyond reason, a search is on for an answer. Along the way, we find out that towns are named for all kinds of weird reasons, that banana liqueur is never a good idea, and that frozen blood puddles are always going to draw attention! Along the way, we find out that sometimes a tow only needs one festival, that your history often tells your future, and that crazy can certainly be measured in your cookie eating to murder ratio!! His family is worried, but is he just on vacation? Currently, the podcast has been rated a 4.9 out of 5 stars and has aired over 295 episodes. Along the way, we find out that you don't want to be writing many editorials around here, that sex can motivate you to do some strange things, and that not all murder sentences are create equal!! From this tape, a wild, crazy & almost unbelievable tale emerges! The cold blooded plan shows the whole town that you just can't trust anybody. And nasty!! Along the way, we find out where Mark Twain died, if punching 12 year olds is ever acceptable & how many days a tenant can be late with rent before you're allowed to go out in a blaze of glory!! Along the way, we find out that some places are just between other places, that if you see a plastic bag, in a pond, keep on going, and always lint brush yourself before you dismember a person, and put them in plastic bags!! This week, in Hammond, Indiana, a whole family agrees that Dad is a problem,, and they need to do something about it. One young man's desire to live was the only thing that kept a potential serial killer from achieving his goals.Along the way, we find out just who you call when there's an escaped elephant in your yard, what goes on inside of a circus museum, and exactly how to get down stairs with two broken legs!! Also, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! But when the murderer finally admits to doing it, they then make one of the craziest attempt at suicide, in history. The problem is that someone ends up dead, leading to finger pointing, and a frustrating investigation! Detectives arrive to find a terribly murdered woman, and a very helpful neighbor. The result is finger pointing, and several stories about who the "real killer" actually was, but anyone with eyes could see what unfolded!! This week, in Alturas, Florida, a rural family deals with what appears to be an illness, running through the family, until a doctor notices a symptom that isn't exactly relevant to the flu. Along the way, we find out that the names of states apparently used to not use the letter 'y', that a lot can happen in such a rural area without anyone knowing, and that no one can really be calm about being cheated on!! This week, in Sunbury, Pennsylvania, the body of a man is found in an alley, and leads police to an unexpected killer, with a story to tell. !Our first whole episode will feature a brutal quadruple murder, in a tiny Mississippi town. This causes them to move from state to . Along the way, we find out that it seems strange to celebrate tornados, when they are a constant threat, that teenagers do not make great members of your hit team, and that when everyone involved has an animal nickname, things are always messy! Exactly how long people will wait for a railroad to be built, and what happens when the movie "Funny Farm" goes wrong! Along the way, we find out what a Swamp Yankee is, how many thousand people can miss something incredibly obvious, and just how horrible a person do you have to be for people to want vigilante retribution against you!! There's craziness, ninja weaponry, and one of the strangest motives ever! ", sending the whole neighborhood into chaos. A friend, who sees the death, through psychic visions & leads their family to the location of the body? Along the way, we find out that you may still need air conditioning in Wisconsin, that decapitation is a strange response way to handle an accident, and that you shouldn't hesitate to eat the fries that you find under your car seat!! A very crazy story, that needs to be heard, all the way to the end!! Along the way, we find out that tornadoes often come to the same area more than once, that sending unsolicited naked images of yourself to people is never a good idea, and that murder is not always the answer! From strangers to spouses, no act is too brazen, or depraved for this particular person. Or, was it some other wild, crazy plot? This week, we check out the out of the way town of Gander, Newfoundland, Canada, where police use a strategy to gain a confession from what they think is one of the most cold blooded killers they've ever encountered.Along the way, we find out exactly how nice Canadians actually are, how many people one airport can possibly employ, and if staring at a Wal-Mart security camera counts as an alibi. Whenever he is not at the studio working James loves traveling and going out to comedy clubs with his friend Jimmie Whisman. This week, in Lititz, Pennsylvania, two young people find love in a group of homeschooled kids from the area. A woman found, in her own kitchen, bludgeoned & stabbed, with two knives still protruding from her back, and her family's story just isn't quite adding up. What follows is a twisted road of fabrications, half truths, and complete lies. It's a brazen series of extra heinous attacks, leading to a legal battle that goes all the way to the Supreme Court! Along the way, we find out that Slambodovia isn't a real country, that Merlin apparently had a forehead tattoo, and that when you're on a mission from God, you don't need an attorney! The problem is, things aren't what they seem, or what anybody thinks. Along the way, we find out that YouTube stars are never to be trusted, that you should never bury a body in a quickly developing area, and that sometimes it's more acceptable to kill 28 people than just one!!
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