Gary Powell. The Oxygen Saturation level was at 91, and had come up a point from 90, which is extremely dangerous. If you didnt know about that, you can search on you tube, there are lots of information from whistleblowers who worked for cia, fbi, private secret services. Nothing else is online yet. Lets bear in mind that we have eyewitnesses to three black SUVs pulling up and grabbing his dog as it was walking around on its own, 50 yards away. There is no fraud going on here. I do find it very upsetting that this is happening. They were so frightened by whatever this was that they wouldnt even enter the house. Researchers hope their new research will settle debate over the origins of Ata, a naturally mummified infant found in the Chilean desert. The day after we announced his coming forward, he was hit with an attack that landed him in the emergency room. And thats how everyone becomes a hero, when people speak out and support people that are speaking out for the world. Peace be with all of you. Emery Smith claims to have autopsied about 3,000 different types of ET humanoids. So, these things are all suppressed. The driver had wildly veered over into the oncoming lane right before the impact. Every last thing Pete owned was stolen. I am going to keep plowing right on ahead, as we still have a great deal of important new intel to release from Corey Goodes side of things. Our last article shared the story of the dogs abduction in an update, but not everyone reads updates. So, we dont have to live like we do now. The ER in Palm Springs could not admit him until 7AM the following morning. Excelling in all of his classes at . He is only human, as are we all. These are some of the popular terms people use to define, Who is actually making me pay taxes, and who is making me pay my electric bill, and the price of gas keeps going up and down, and the pricing of all these negative things that we really dont need. I mean, look at us now. And for that, we have to give them something they dont know, which we have. I am still in shock but feel it is essential to report what happened. Get Commander Ashtar, the pleiadians or whomever to set up a meet and tell me what to do!!!! The same globalists that are wanting to inject you with multiple jabs to detach your spirit from your humanity. The Deep State obviously wants to make other insiders afraid to come forward. Its all about Ego and Money.. I do not know who GEM was, and I have no evidence of who they may be. MOMENT OF TRUTH: Q Anon Discloses Secret Space Program. He claims to have autopsied about 3,000 different types of ET humanoids. Anyone who thinks this was just a normal flu should remember that it started immediately after three black SUVs abducted his dog, right near him. I would only call for this in a genuine emergency, and this is it. The whole thing was just crazy. And he wanted me way back then, and I was like, No, this is not the time. Plus, people were not ready for it back then. So, I believe that I had to come forward, because I needed to get this information out to the people before its time to go. With our collective help, we can stop them from trying to whitewash the truth. At the beginning of this article, I shared more of what had happened to Emery, including the head-on collision that occurred only a half-hour after the previous article went up. Uhhhhgggg I KNOW you got connects! That means that some aspect of the Deep State already has a program where even one employee, in only 3-4 years of time, can personally autopsy 3000 different ET bodies. Its UNETHICAL and goes AGAINST UNIVERSAL LAWS!!!! That is obviously not an accident. We could have a lot of abundance as far as medical technologies, the cures for diseases, the abundance of water and food for everyone, and housing, if these technologies were released. But the government, for the most part, and the militaryU.S. now the fallen ones want to study us in order to learn the True knowledge of Eternal Life. Amen to yourwords and double double amens endlessly, I love David and am sure he knows the Truth but The Lord chooses to use him this way at this time for his unseen purposes, Nevertheless help is coming to him, He married the right person. Good. The Cabal folks seem very angry and jealous right now. Right before his health collapsed, three black SUVs followed him and abducted his dog Raven. Its kind of like having a pet or a car that only responds to the owner. It violates all G-ds commands that sustain humans as an independent race of His own . Whoever did this may have hoped that the added shock of having his dog stolen could further weaken his health and cause him to actually die. You are all a inspiration to bravery and I can only hope I will step up as you all have when and if the time comes, you are all great example of love and trust incarnate thank you Lisa. This is a guy who has already lost everything, just like Pete. They know he loves his dog and thus may use the dig as a trojan to get to him when they cant get him in other ways. Of course theres always the classic spheres, egg shapes and disc shapes, he added. Just so we are clear. Emery Smith interview with Jordon Sather, 2018. It can come back around on them in very unexpected ways. And this directly applies to examining evidence and continually asking for Informed Consent in EVERYTHING that impacts our mind, body and spirit, and in our world. By the time Corey Goode started talking in late 2014, I already had seven years to meditate on the implications of what Emery and many other insiders had already shared with me. dont lose track of the massive work we just released on Christmas Day about mass indictments and targeted arrests of the Deep State. And it actually, you could touch it and it felt like a Memory Foam mattress and it had a hollow (center). So were talking about hundreds of years of the same thing, just trying to improve it, when theres already anti-gravity. Emery Smith claims to have autopsied about 3,000 different types of ET humanoids. DAVID TALK TO THEM!!!!! The things he has told me over the last ten years may seem quite sensational, but they line up precisely with what we end up hearing from many other insiders. They pulled off about 50 Meters away and took my dog and accelerated away! Reed Smith has added two new lawyers to its Munich office, growing the international law firm's footprint in Germany and the Europe and Middle East (EME) regions. Its not going to be one person. Why would they try to completely destroy his life if he was simply making up stories, as their paid trolls will assert? Jennifer Ross-Nazzal is the interviewer, and she is assisted by Rebecca Wright. Yeah, that's how I feel. Ships with such high capabilities will have tech beyond our imagination. So, the technologies that come with this could clean that up. The October 22nd article was entitled Something Big is Coming, Part II: Is Wikileaks About to Drop the Nuke?, and it was very extensive in scope. The last worldly possession he still owned was the vehicle. He is a cosmic reporter of poignant news and events in the Ascension timeline and drama. Certain individuals could throw off the narrative the Cabal is trying to spin more than others. I wish I had money to help but my thoughts, meditations and all the light I can muster will be dedicated to him. So, what are we doing? Lets take it to the next level, and let me give you all my information, and hopefully that will put in those pieces to that puzzle that weve all been waiting for, because its been hidden for way too long. David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science and new paradigms of energy and matter. The best way to do this is to clear your mind, go into a relaxed and meditative state, and send him feelings of love and peace. I was just recently watching the series with Corey Good and Emery. Emery seems to be in desperate need of psychological help. None of this should ever have been made public, but since it now has, it is important that I clarify a variety of issues that many people have already jumped to conclusions about. With that being said, here is some of the documentation we gathered from Emerys visit to the Eisenhower Medical Center in Palm Springs. Greetings, explorer! (Football 365), external England captain Marlie . Significantly, the FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, was also present during the debriefing of the CIA agent and his boss over what they had witnessed at S-4 and Area-51. That being said, I did have my life threatened. But youre not bullet-proof. I have something in common with you. WE ARE the GREAT ONES that were foretold and prophesied about! DECLAS, Disclosure and Davids #1 New Ascension Film Incoming! They were dated January I guess that was the air dates. It was mostly tissue specimen examination, and dissecting and taking parts of specimens. Either way, if this all falls through. ::PHUFF:: We cant handle it, gimme a break. As I said before, they were already at full capacity the night this happened, and wouldnt admit him for seven more hours. Were still Elon Musk and Space X and NASA are still using rocket-propelled technology that was probably invented by the Chinese to make the first fireworks. I encouraged Emery Smith to come forward as a guest on Cosmic Disclosure despite threats he had received. the doctor asked how im alive. No one is going to accept your worthless pieces of paper just because you say they have value. c. and the voluntary action to exercise decisions without external pressures such as coercion, manipulation and deception. By attacking him so forcefully and frontally, they are indeed making it very obvious that they are on the ropes and feeling threatened by this. I needed everyone to get up to my speed. But there are also other craft that are interdimensional, that can change shape; so, they might come in the form of light, and they can manifest and change their atomic structure to become solid. The article also revealed much more of the Alliance operations against the Deep State, which the adversary is very grumpy about. As to my last comment on this blog, I further stand by my last statement on FULL DISCLOSURE and that WE ARE READY! But we humans, here right now, are way more advanced, a few thousand years, than anyone would think. And I still dont see the benefit of battery-powered electric cars, because you still need gas, coal or oil to charge that battery. If we (in the MIC) went into the manufacturing business with all the cool stuff that we learned, various ETs would need to start paying us for our products. I obviously do believe him, but in todays sad world of paid Dark Alliance trolls, who viciously attack everything, some degree of proof is useful. It is very difficult to imagine how far we might already have gone with the full cooperation and technology of multiple ET races, all kept in secret. terrestre ou extra terrestre , rien nest surement pas parfait! They could clean up the big mess out in the Pacific Ocean, all that garbage floating around, miles and miles and miles. Watch all episodes of Cosmic Disclosure on Gaia - Smith comes forward to reveal his work inside secret biological facilities deep. So, life would be a lot easier if we didnt have to work so much to pay our gas, coal and oil bills, and focus our energies on things wed like to do, and also expand our consciousness. This had occurred shortly after the last time I had released intel from him in August: The police said there was no traceable evidence of a break-in, despite clear boot-prints on the door where it was kicked in. From there, it isnt hard to imagine that those ETs would have friends, and would ultimately introduce us to a much larger community. And it is a like a favor thing, or an even exchange of something for something. Heres the update I wrote to the last article about this, in case you may have missed it: BEGIN UPDATE WEDNESDAY 12/27, 11:33 AM: EMERY SMITH HIT WITH VERY SERIOUS ATTACK, And, you know, a lot of these things are happening with a lot of extortion, a lot of mind-control devices are being activated, making people do crazy things. And we get different craft all of the time. According to the CIA agent, Eisenhower was shocked. Preclinical and clinical studies have suggested the benefit of using concentrated autologous bone marrow . My lung specialist the ideal range is 88% 95%, that you dont want 99% 100% blood oxygen levels because it will increase your blood gases (carbon dioxide levels) and youll get fluid build up in your ankles or heart for which youll need to take LASIX diuretic to pee out. Hi, Im Emery Smith; Im 46 years old. A lot of the craft are organic material which means only the driver of that race can operate the vehicle due to their frequency of the genetic DNA and the frequency that they are emitting. We ARE ready for it! Theyre usually made in space through harmonics and frequency. Ascension Location 4600 Edmundson Rd, St. Louis, Missouri, 63134, United States Description Industry Hospitals & Clinics Healthcare Theyre going to have to respond to the stuff that they found underneath the ice in Antarctica. I mentioned films like Spider Man: Homecoming, in which the Tony Stark character gives Peter Parker a similar suit as he himself was using as Ironman. It was similarly irrefutable for him to take pictures of his car after he suffered a head-on collision. The letter appeared online following a series of hateful and false allegations against Gaia from an alleged Gaia Employee Movement, or GEM, including a petition on and other writings which have since been proven to be false. I was in the United States Air Force for 5 -1/2 years, active duty, and Reserve for two years and inactive for another two years. His oxygen level went down to 90 percent, which when coupled with the enormously high fever could very easily have killed him. A surprising number of insiders have surfaced to shed light on this amazing story but for most people it still seems hard to accept. These accusations are false and without merit. At about 8 years of age, he moved to Fort Myers Florida to be raised on a self-sustainable farm with a fascination for the universe and a fixation on science, particularly aerospace and biologics. Microwave, sonar, or other technologies broadcasted around the planet. Thank you for helping. To enslave you as a chipped prisoner. I am sure almost 100 percent that Emery was hit with direct energy weapons. Stellar Human $9.99/Month: Watch and listen ONLY. Theyre going to have to respond to all these amazing thingsAtlantis off the coast of Cuba. This is a powerful attempt by the low frequency advocates on our planet to recruit us to their reality. But when it activates, a floor appears and it forms. The Partial Disclosure could involve UFOs and / or ancient ruins in Antarctica. On November 12th, 2017, I wrote Something Very Big, Part III: Saudi Mass Arrests Sign of Impending Cabal Defeat?, which was chock-full of very exciting intel about pending indictments and arrests. She was trapped in the strange altered reality of Emery Smith. Emery Smith has been working as a Hospital Laboratory Manager at Ascension for 3 years. He thought he had pneumonia. YOU MIGHT FIND YOUR WAY INTO THIS THROUGH THE MILITARY. Instead of slowing down or steering away, this driver maintained his collision course and actually accelerated. They use that for cause sickness and slow death of targeted individuals. I would never have wanted such a thing to be made public and to cause any issues for Gaia. Our prayers to ALL of you helping us awaken quickly to ascension. I just quit my clerical job as a school clerk after 15 years. But they dont really use floors; they dont use chairstheyre just kind of there. Thanks. Tompkins actually died. WHATEVER IT TAKES! The Alliance will make its moves regardless of whether I am involved in any of this or not. (Part.3 - We FINALLY Meet & The Real TRUTH Comes Out!) Interesting video clip. What we are seeing is that even the President of the United States was only given a little taste of what was going on at Area 51, even after threatening them. I have known Emery Smith since 2008. But I'm skeptical of his stories lol. This point is not explained. And it was the first time I was physically next to these beings and was able to communicate telepathically and get a lot of information downloaded that I needed to embark on this journey, and which helped me tremendously. Alexis Brooks interview of Emery Smith (2019) Hi there,when this article came out I sent money to Emerys Paypal account and yesterday it has been returned to me! I do understand that the way we can truly shed light on these issues is by making a public clarification and apology, as I have done above. PHOTOS OF EMERYS STAY IN THE EMERGENCY ROOM. I could only imagine what might have happened, and my thoughts were pretty dark, I must say. Gaia allowed me to express what I wanted in 276 episodes of Wisdom Teachings, and I thank them for that. I want you and your boss to fly out there. FULL [emailprotected]#*&$g DISCLOSURE, so we can clear it! I witnessed many different craft in these projects. In Emerys case, it was the fever that could of damaged his brain, but his body was working extra hard so his O2 levels dropped a bit but still very good, and without the need to take deep breaths. These hiding places will prevent the to be killed by the first wave of G-ds power so they will come out to join the war with Satan against that of Christ. All it does is show us how very real all of this is. Either I quit or get fired. I hope every day sees him stronger and healthier. This was about 40 or 50 feet in diameter, and it had like a 10-to-25-foot hollow inside to this craft. Its kind of like having a pet or a car that only responds to the owner. Since 2013, has been delivering the latest and most captivating news and articles on UFOs/UAPs and everything else that defies explanation or logic. Its unlimited energy. By working together to get this content out, we were all doing our best to make the world a brighter and happier place, with greater freedom for all, and to fight for the release of suppressed technology and information. Emery is already plugged into Alliance networks. A single bullet was left standing on his countertop. Youre all right. But Emery has got the Villa faithful looking up - and dreaming of better times again. Tear down those walls, so we can start to rebuild!!!!!! Stellar Explorer $29.99/Month: Submit up to 3 questions EVERY WEEK in advance for Emery to pick from and answer exclusively for the Stellar Explorers live . As you may be aware, a letter circulated online beginning on July 6th, 2018, which was claimed to be a copy of my contract non-renewal email to Gaia. They have their own atmosphere, their own gravity, they have their own little space that they have projected from this craft which keeps them completely encapsulated in it. And the craft was not hollow: it was solid. We were also extremely thorough. The only other thing I have to give you his signature at this point, since all of this is so new, is a brief clip from our first episode. I watched the Corey, Emery and you Cosmic disclosure episode on AI. At this point, the lack of informed consent as the result of non-disclosure of true and accurate events on this planet, establishes GROSS NEGLIGENT ABUSE, which can directly lead to multiple species GENETIC ANNIHILATION as well as other DEVASTATING CONSEQUENCES., Thank you for taking the time to read this. It also severely attacked everyones credibility and caused our own public to turn on us, having no idea what was going on. Holes were cut in the wall where various classified items had been stored and all of these precious documents and keepsakes were removed: In the second and even more serious incident, which again was only a half hour after my article had launched, Paul suffered a head-on collision. Miraculously, Raven was found alive by a good citizen after the perpetrators dumped her off on the highway. All of them will be exposed for all their willful and wicked deeds. [Free Ebook!]. I do not believe he would have improved so quickly without our collective assistance. And if they dont, Im going to get the First Army from Colorado. For Emerys security, we did not say how sick he really was, or that he was in the hospital, until he stabilized. We heard from Corey Goode that the Deep State has a gag order on the mainstream media not to cover ANY aspects of the UFO field other than the agreed-upon talking points.. And that was probably one of the main reasons that Ive just been hanging out in the background listening to pop-culture leaders here, and also the significantly renowned leaders in this field of consciousness, speak and talk and kind of get an idea of what level everyones at. I joined the military when I was 18 years old, was in the Air Force Auxiliary when I was 13, and also was in Army ROTC before that. I was very reluctant to publicize this at the time. We will have more to say on that soon enough. I want you to give them a personal message. How are we to know what were up against if we DONT have FULL DISCLOSURE?!? Here is what I wrote about it at the time, and posted into the existing article as an update:, UPDATE III, SAME DAY [OCTOBER 22ND, 2017], 3:43 PM: TRAGEDY, BUT MUCH GREATER LOSS AVERTED. Get access to playbacks and watch on your own time inside our members-only area. Plus, a lot of my nondisclosure agreements just ended, not all of them, and I felt more comfortable talking about these types of things. system, where one battery charges 50 batteries, thats different. . I am very happy to report that after a great deal of telephone work, Emery was able to get Paypal to un-freeze his account. We shall not agree to be taken as lab samples. David, listening to your f2b interview now. These are purposeful constructed to avoid the coming Judgement bringing by Christ Jesus. In response to Dolans question, Eisenhower was going to invade Area 51? the CIA agent confirmed that Eisenhower indeed planned to do so with the First Army. I will continue forward with my work to expose the true root of the problems we are facing in the world today, and I feel that Gaia is playing a critical role in our progress towards Full Disclosure. This is also a great website resource with lots of videos explaining a lot of these types of things. 5. This only further motivates us to do whatever we can to get the truth out. All my life, I keep losing my jobs. If Emery was larping, i.e. Join Emery Smith Weekly BRAND NEW EXCLUSIVE Webinar Series. Trust in our Savior and be faithful to our G-d. do not work with them for their advancement or work with their technologies. Why? However, legally defined valid Informed Consent has three components; a. disclosure of the information in a truthful way to make an autonomous decision, by Emery Smith, July 10th, 2018 Dear everyone, In light of recent events regarding my colleagues and Gaia TV, I wanted to write a response to the public. you shall not act as their propaganda agent(s) even if you deem that you are doing disclosure of their deeds. These are notes taken during one of his talks. Gaia, Planet Earth, will do it for us. Stunning New Briefings: Spy Satellites Down, Deep State Arrests Finally Imminent? One simple thing Im sure he knows Id carry 2 silver rods on me at all times! We would call over in Australia, we would call Italy, we would call England. The Golden thread that weaves his work together is the science of Ascension - a solar-system-wide transformation that elevates earth and humanity to a higher phase of spiritual advancement. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Apparently, one of the key forms of payment we have been receiving for many years now is samples of dead bodies from ETs all over the galaxy. Jesus said, My Father works until now. while he walked on this planet. Just wanted to clarify that from a medical emergency perspective, they would not have rated a patient with 90% SPO2 levels fit to admit, it was his fever that concerned the admitting dr. they admitted him to monitor it until is went away, at which point they discharge you. I WENT INTO MORE DETAIL ABOUT THE THREATS ON NOVEMBER 12TH, 2017. I knew we were running a very dangerous game here. I pray that all those who served for the dark side or called the insiders come to Christ Jesus immediately. They didnt get here on rocket fuel coming from a million light-years away, so, how did they do it? Well, theyre making their own energy. Smith claims work is taking place on extraterrestrial technology harvested from alien beings and their crashed or captured spaceships which would change the world as we know it. They brought me in and they said, You know, youve gotta be careful. They said, Youre protected; weve got your back. After Eisenhower was JFK. Tell me what to do, and Ill DO IT! And big companies are fighting to get their hands on the science. He ended up going back to a hotel to sleep, and returning after waking up around noon the next day still very violently ill. The police were so intimidated by all of this that they refused to even go inside and investigate. This is not true. For financial support , why not use Bitcoin / Ethereum? So please, Paypal staff, bear in mind that we have a large audience and we really do want to help Emery Smith. satisfaction in the knowledge that people all over the world were heard , and believe you. Yet, Christ paved a new and distinct way for humans to be saved through this fall. This was the first seduction from those fallen angels when they wanted the human wives and traded with the human race. Since Emery already gave us the initial bulk of all of his coolest stories in the course of 15 episodes, I am not sure why this was done. That same someone is clearly trying to intimidate us into not speaking about the Secret Space Program. Acts of terror like this reek of total desperation. This is the first level of what came in. It is artificially created and manipulated. We are simply some of those people. This was very obviously a Dark Alliance targeted attack, not just three random black SUVs who happened to follow him and want to abduct his dog. the fallen angels or demons are working in full strength in order to win their war against our Savior Christ. It was the perfect trap. However, for most people there is still an enormous difference between enjoyable science fiction movies and the idea that this stuff is actually true. Of course not. This has been the means that they want the public to have minimum fear of their appearance by exposing themselves in a control and limited ways. The multiple, brazen attempts on his life would not be happening if he had nothing to say. Your email address will not be published. So, Im glad Corey Goode is out there talking about this stuff, Greer is still talking about it, Wilcock is still talking about it, all these amazing people that you see at these meetings are talking about the science and the physics behind it, and trying to figure it out, and life experiences, which is important. Emery Smith gave several presentations at the Sixth Annual Contact in the Desert Conference, June 1-4, 2018 in Indian Wells, California. What can be done, besides finding out the truth, whatever it is, and being angry enough to blow out a blood vessel, and in my case, raise my blood sugar into lunar orbit? But mostly (the funding) comes from here. There, Smith claims work is taking place on extraterrestrial technology harvested from alien beings and their crashed or captured spaceships which would change the world as we know it. There were reportedly over 3,000 people who bought tickets to the conference. What we are calling the Deep State is in possession of far, far greater secrets than most could ever even imagine. Latest Aston Villa news, analysis and fan views; . He is always eager to share his findings and insights with the readers of, where he has been a regular contributor since 2013. Lastly, in the letter circulated online I appeared to say that 43 percent of the entire Gaia audience was watching my shows.
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