These reports provided a glimpse into a situation that was overwhelmingly swept under the carpet by EU, U.S. officials and the corporate MSM alike. The Ukrainian official therefore delivered a chilling message to anyone choosing to seek cooperation with Russia: do so and lose your life. Just an accusation, having your name on a blacklist can get you kidnapped, brutalised, and potentially killed in Ukraine. The MSM are indeed complicit in whitewashing these abominable events. Ref: A worker from the Arcelor Mittal Krivoi Rog company. Accused of: treason. Common Ukrainian citizens have also been subjected to torture since the start of the war this February. Poklad is nicknamed The Strangler, a reference to hisreputationfor using torture and assorted dirty tricks to set-up his bosses political rivals on treason charges. Those detained are often put under huge stress, threatened, beaten, or tortured into giving confessions. Two surgical operations were performed to remove bone fragments from her brain. As the remaining fighting in Mariupol is concentrated on the final Ukrainian hold-outs holed-up in the Azovstal Plant in the citys industrial port district, the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) and its notorious extremist Azov Battalion fighters appear to have left dozens of murdered civilians behind, including some with their hands bound indicating an execution, after UAF retreated from their positions embedded among civilians in Mariupol. Ref: He was severely beaten during his arrest by the SBU. Anyone that criticises or is considered as opposing his government, any perceived actions, (current or historical) is duly noted, and thus is likely to get persecuted, detained by either the SBU or irregular paramilitary groups. In July 2020, Maria Sotskova was dealt a 10-year ban just months after announcing her retirement for allegedly forging a medical certificate to explain a doping violation. Why did Noam Chomsky fly to meet with Jeffrey Epstein. The passage of, The Ukrainian security service known as the SBU has served as the main enforcer of the post-Maidan governments campaign of domestic political repression. When Russian figure skaters Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze took home gold with a less than worthy performance in the 2002 Winter Olympics, a scoring controversy in the sport was exposed, leading to a complete revamp of the point system. Elena Berezhnaya If you haven't heard from me in 12 hours or more, put my name on this list. Not every ethnic Russian speaker in Ukraine can speak good Ukrainian, and some have trouble pronouncing certain words in Ukrainian. There, they came in second. Seemingly countless videos have appeared on social media showing civilians tied to lamp posts, often with their genitals exposed or their faces painted green. Member of the Novyi Sotcialism (New Socialism) party. The inclusion of details of individuals, recommended for liquidation and arrest, has in the past led to people, Ukrainian and foreigners, being targeted, arrested, and murdered. Against this background of feverish witch-hunts, any hint of the slightest suspicion of cooperation or aiding Russians is tantamount to a summary execution in some situations, or more likely, a beating and being handed over to the SBU. Russian skaters in particular have a history of positive results dating to 2000, when decorated pairs skater Elena Berezhnaya was stripped of a gold medal from the European championships for . The Russian Ministry of Defense has denied the charge, however, and little evidence exists to corroborate Kievs line about the missing mayors. As he wiped out his opposition, Zelenskyorderedan unprecedented domestic propaganda initiative to nationalize all television news broadcasting andcombineall channels into a single 24 hour channel called United News to tell the truth about war.. As weapons pour into Ukraine from NATO states and the war intensifies, the atrocities are almost certain to pile up and with the blessing of leadership in Kiev. During the short program, Sal and Pelletier had tripped and fallen on their closing pose. As of today, eleven mayors from various towns in Ukraine are missing. The increasing levels of lawlessness and repression makes it very difficult to collect precise information. This evening at the world figure skating championships, however, Moskvina could most definitely speak once again about Berezhnaya's future as a skater. The 2002 Winter Olympics served as the stage for a controversy that had far-reaching consequences. Notes:Anton Gerashchenko, Advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, announced on his social media account that the Mayor of Kreminna, Volodymyr Struk, was shot dead by unknown patriots after he was kidnapped from his home. Gerashchenko stated that the site was extremely important for the national security of Ukraine. He then added that anyone who does not understand this or tries to interfere with this work is either a puppet in the hands of others or works against the interests of national security. [2]. Yelena Berezhnaya. Elena Viktorovna Berezhnaya ( Russian: , born 11 October 1977) is a Russian former pair skater. The destiny of our people, whether Ukrainians will be free, whether they will be able to preserve their democracy.. In March 2022 he was the subject of media coverage internationally due to his kidnapping and death. Russian foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said Thursday she hoped Gonzalo Lira Lopez who disappeared following his criticism of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was alive and well. Yet amazingly, she wanted to skate again. CAPTION: Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze skate to third place in the pairs short program at world championships. The thorny path of Elena Berezhnaya is respected not only by every skater, but also by everyone who heard her story. 16 March, in the village of Tomashevka in the Kiev region: Guennady Batenko, a priest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church was kidnapped by an armed commando. Seemingly countless videos have appeared on social media showing civilians tied to lamp posts, often with their genitals exposed or their faces painted green. In short, under Zelenskys rule, the government agencies and others armed groups are detaining, imprisoning, and killing people in Ukraine. No justice, truth or reparation was attained for any of the victims of enforced disappearance, secret detention and torture of civilians by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) from 2014 to 2016, and not a single suspected perpetrator was prosecuted. Prior to the start of the Russian military operation against Kiev, a few instances of the brutality, torture and extra judicial killings were reported by a host of organisations, HRW, OSCE, Amnesty International, OHCHR and in France OFPRA. On 9 January 1996, Berezhnaya was seriously injured when Shliakhov's blade sliced into her skull while the pair were practicing a side-by-side camel spin in Riga. Western media outlets have been following the Kiev line without exception,claimingthat all mayors been arrested by the Russian military. In a carefully choreographed address to US Congress on March 16,Zelensky stated, Right now, the destiny of our country is being decided. More AP Olympics: and (HRW 2016). The next day, a video appeared on social networks, in which Khazan slandered the party chairman Anatoli Shariy. Here too, the perpetrators of human rights abuses appear to have received approval from the upper echelons of Ukrainian leadership. While training together in January 1996, she suffered a serious injury, leaving her partly paralyzed and unable to . The SBU accounts for a large percentage of reported arbitrary detention, torture, and abuse of detainees, from a period from 2014 to 2019. Even Moskvina isn't sure how the new couple will perform. While Zelensky spouts bromides about the defense of democracy before worshipful Western audiences, he is using the war as a theater for enacting a blood-drenched purge of political rivals, dissidents and critics. As journalist Dan Cohenreported, Anatoly Shariy of the recently banned Party of Shariy said he was the target of a recent SBU assassination attempt. "Let's not speak about her future as a skater," the doctors told Moskvina. Sotskova finished eighth at the 2018 Olympics in Pyeongchang. Horrid glimpses into these detentions were provided: Several also alleged that after being transferred to SBU premises they were, variously, beaten, subjected to electric shocks, and threatened with rape, execution, and retaliation against family members, to induce them to confess to involvement with separatism-related criminal activities or to provide information. The Court of Arbitration for Sport has set up an office in Beijing to hear urgent cases. 2:31 in Lancasters video, the womans corpse can be seen clearly. Wrote just before his arrest: They came for me, it was a pleasure to talk. She was disqualified from the two-woman bobsled event and served an eight-month ban. It is unclear whether Valieva applied for a therapeutic use exemption or has a history of heart problems. The Ukrainian government knows this, more so since Zelensky, since he. When Canada's Jamie Sal and David Pelletier came in second to Russia's Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze, allegations began brewing that the competition was fixed. Her dance partner when she was around 14 years old was Oleg Shliakhov. I only know about the Grushina/Goncharov - Shae/Nikolai break . Kireev was subsequentlyaccusedin local Ukrainian media of treason.. "I know they will do it sometime, I just didn't know it could be this year.". Her coach Eteri Tutberidze has been seen watching over her other two pupils, Anna Shcherbakova and Alexandra Trusova, who would be elevated to favorites without Valieva. Sikharulidze, who knew Berezhnaya and was hoping to begin training with her, took a train to Riga, checked her out of the hospital, and brought her to St. Petersburg. Anton Gerashchenko, an advisor to the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, celebrated the mayors murder,declaring on his Telegram page(see below): There is one less traitor in Ukraine. "But if I will be her mother, I would cry.". In 1996, Elena had a skate hit her head, slicing into her skull, during a practice session with Oleg. A short list of those who have fell foul of the Ukrainian government and its policies: Denis Kireev (high-ranking government official), Mikhail & Aleksander Kononovich (political party leaders), Elena Berezhnaya (Human rights activist / ex-figure skater). While Western media homes in on Russian human rights violations at home and inside Ukraine, the Ukrainian government has authorized a propaganda campaignknown as Total Warthat includes the planting of bogus images and false stories to further implicate Russia.
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