Rise up mighty warrior and walk in your authority as kings and queens! I see the maple leaf flying high- a symbol of healing for Nations. In the midst, of this uprising, I encourage you- keep your heart right before the Lord, do not curse but bless and God will guide you and protect you and cause you to prosper in the thing He has called you to accomplish! The Father says today, let go of mistaken ideas of what is not possible in your life. In the Spirit, I saw many Christians warring from their flesh as they leaned upon their own understanding. Then the Lord showed me that just as He directed Abraham to heed the voice of Sarah and send Ishmael away, His Holy Spirit, was coming like a mother in this hour, to direct spiritual fathers to likewise release Ishmael and embrace Issac. We cant move ahead without letting go of what we had and what we have now. I declare that Gods government is emerging in Resurrection Power! I saw the axe striking the roots of trauma and I watched as up from that root system emerged a kaleidoscope of monarch butterflies! I discerned that they were humble and carried a servants heart. Amen. The Bride just kept walking as people were crying out to Jesus Christ. this is the hour for a new world order but it is My kingdom and my Order that is being released and established and demonstrated! How the Father longs to display Himself through His womenpure woman even as He ordained her to be right from the beginning. You shall trample the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day that I dothis, says theLordof hosts. The harvesters are being harvested. It was as though she already knew Him and had been waiting for this moment. I watched as he entered a bedroom. The immune system in the human body is normally designed to defend and protect the body from outside invaders including things like bacteria, viruses and infections. I also discerned that this act of stripping and entertainment wasnt all that was happening, I saw that there was a prostitution and pimping ring operating behind the scenes and the strippers on the stage were being enticed into it. The next 12 months will be absolutely pivotal and I believe this will be the most significant year of the last 50 years. A New Season is breaking open in Canada! Cal called in intercessors and began training up healing teams. (Article used by permission:The Passion Translation), Cal PierceDirector,Healing Rooms MinistriesEmail:[email protected]. I heard the Lord say that He would go into the streets, the highways and byways, and the marketplaces, and compel the people with His Love and give them a revelation of who Jesus Christ of Nazareth really is. A birthing into your home! Ask for Katie. (John 1:14a TPT). I was wondering what this angel army was waiting for when the Spirit of God impressed upon me that they were waiting for the Decrees of the Lord to go forth so they could be ushered into the earth to perform them! In the story, as soon as the servant put the slipper on the foot of Cinderella- it fit her perfectly and her true identity was sealed and revealed!In a suddenly moment, her true identity was revealed as the princes beloved! Foundations are being exposed. (end of vision). Just like an actual Kaleidoscope works by reflecting light, they too, will reflect the Light! I see spiritual mothers moving about and being led by the Spirit of God into the stables and into the hidden places. I heard the Lord say,"I will compel them with my Love, for this is My Heart. Your captivity is being taken captive in this hour! and I saw myself walking into graveyards and pulling out the dead and handing them back to the living. In a vision- stepped into a land that I immediately knew was the Province of Quebec. Then they said among thenations, TheLordhas done great things for them. TheLordhas done great things for us andwe are glad. Several years ago, the Father spoke something to me that I believe is the mandate for the Leadership of the body of Christ in Canada: He said: I have mantled you with authority, to go and bring healing to those who have been mangled by authority!. My favor and divine benediction are waiting for you; all you need to do is connect by occasion of your faith with the power of My promise and [], The Father says today that I am not on a budget; therefore, you are not on a budget. Then I heard the Father say, this is the Time of the Threshold. This resulted in condemnation and discouragement. This means that through the finished work of Jesus Christ, we have complete access to complete healing and restoration as sons and daughters of the Father. I could hear them one after the other loudly exclaim, my compliments go to the Chef!I also saw other servers in the restaurant who were playing instruments and singing, providing a wonderful symphony of amazing music. Watch now as the Father reveals the new thing that He has been preparing in the secret place deep within you. Forget the former things, behold I am doing a new thing! I saw these new tree shoots were the trees of righteousness that were being raised up, to glorify God and reap an end time harvest. Revelation of the relationship between Jesus and the Father will lead us into own true identity as sons and daughters of a loving heavenly Father. In the Healing Rooms for Canada, unity and communication has been expressed through guidelines, protocols, and an emphasis on following the IAHR model. (Colossians 2:9-10 TPT). I see the eyes of these Apostolic warriors being cleansed and anointed with wisdom and discernment to see clearly the vision and task at hand. Canada is pounding out a sound that will shake the earth. What is motivating us? Theyre fruit was bad. 2013 is the year where we will Cultivate and Establish a Culture of Victory. I had a VISION/WORD this morning that I believe will bless you! I saw the Lord breaking into the lives of His beloved with divine recompense in his right hand. Isaiah 53: 4 says surely he has bourne our griefs and carried our sorrows, yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God and afflicted. Ask Me for the things that seem out of reach. The walls of division are coming down. All other fears are being swallowed up as the Fathers perfect love manifests through His sons and daughters throughout Canada! Then I heard the words from Zechariah 4:6- not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts. I pray that these daughters would prosper in all things and be in health even as their soul prospers! This remnant army, these leaders are emerging in a suddenly moment, in the spirit and power of Elijah. She was radiant. And I see a great company of Gods people gathering together to proclaim and testify of the great miracles they have seen God perform on their behalf. These WAR HORSES are fearless and fierce! Stop trying to salvage what God has deemed, unfruitful or a thing of the past. Isaiah 61:3-4 End of Vision. In this season in which darkness is covering the earth, we as Believers must position ourselves to receive increase from God. This revelation manifested in joy, weeping and in healing as many people, especially children wereflipping out of their wheelchairs. And even as the Father has imparted into them His heart for the lost, the broken and the hurting so they shall arise to set the Captives free and no one shall come near them or stop them for the fierceness of Love will be upon them. From out of your greatest struggles you will arise into your greatest victories! They didnt realize they were out of the Lords presence, striving in their own effort and opposing the work of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I hear the Lord say- Africa, I have come to heal your land and I will even cause My rain to fall upon your land in supernatural ways so that even the dirt beneath your feet will be transformed into fertile soil as it becomes infused with rich nutrients to fertilize, to nourish and to grow your seeds for harvest. They were the catalysts, the ones through whom the Father ushered in a new thing into the earth. A season of straightening out is in effect and will yield the fruit of righteousness, peace and joy. A collective body of mighty warriors/roaring lionesses rising up to prepare the way for the Fathers plans in the nation of Canada. The harvest fields have been measured and marked for this hour. I tell you, I am raising up fathers and mothers to take their stand at the helm of this nation and they shall carry My heart for those whom they have been called to serve and protect. Behold the ROAR of the Lioness! Shifting and shaking in the depths, in the foundations and in the core of identity in Christ. ), Father's Heart Ministry, P.O. The Bride never stopped to explain anything to these people, she just kept dancing and Jesus made Himself known to them. He was dressed in military fashion, a blue uniform with gold buttons. The voice of God told me to get out of the way- get back in the House and stay inside because it was the only safe place to be. The following Vision was a confirmation, regarding a strategic God mission for Canada. No longer will the promises of God be birthed into sterile religious formats where they are manipulated and stifled and crushed. Oil from the realm of the Throne Room.I asked the Lord, What is this Oil that he needs to get unstuck and where do I get this Oil, so I can help him?, Then the Lord spoke these WORDS: Its not by might, not by power but by My spirit says the Lord of Hosts". Lay down your agendas! The land will be restored! In Jesus name, I renounce and break all legal rights and powers associated with this evil spirit. Behold Jesus Christ as He sits at the right hand of the Father and He calls us to be one with Him. I hear the Father saying "I want all my kids at my right hand". Father God, I confess that I have consciously/unconsciously yielded to an evil spirit of jealousy. I see that they will rightly govern the affairs of the Fathers Kingdom in authority and the fear of the Lord. There is a call going out across our Nation- a call to be Hot! The Kings are rising up! But I started to realize this wave and these snakes were actually a distraction to what the Lord was really doing. Such desperation, such brokennessso beautiful and precious in My sight. He is the one unlocking the prison doors! Lord Jesus, forgive me for harboring any bitterness, un-forgiveness or anger towards them. God's will is that we prosper in spirit and in body. A generation of MOTHERS---set apart for such a time as this! I heard the Lord say I am releasing Canada as a gateway for the destiny of Nations.
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