Connections to one's cultural heritage and to nature give meaning to life. In the two stories, What, of This Goldfish, Would You Wish by Etgar Keret and The Fisherman and His Wife by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, the two antagonist use their wishes in a selfish and greedy way. C. The speaker keeps repeating herself without purpose. A theme is an important idea about life or human nature expressed through a story's characters and event. (talk, present emphatic). Read "One Generation Passeth Away and Another Cometh. It is strange that we can /SMask /None>> Through The Great Gatsby and (Love Song, With Two Goldfish), the writers use the main characters to show their love for each other but create the idea that when love isnt present, it can mean a world of pain. Since oxygen is obtained through respiration, the efficiency of an organisms respiratory system affects its metabolism. A mirror with a carved wooden frame was (centered, centerred) over the fireplace. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Sergei's reaction is hostile. Also because his hebrew was not that great. We all could go against one another, destroying ourselves in the process.If we keep discriminating each other this is a possible effect of it. (B.) %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz stream The characters of both stories made some good and bad choices for their wishes; wouldn't you! The details that the speaker uses are in the lines 1-2 the buffalo, the shaman, and the arrow represents the traditions of the father's culture. << endobj Is this structure effective, or would it have been better to know the details about Sergei's decision? When they arrived to town, they met Joshs teacher who recommend him to join art club. 8 . How does Sergei's cultural experience help explain his reaction? Unlock the answer. Use evidence from the text to support your answer. /Producer ( Q t 4 . In which of the following ways does the speaker most add to the development of her central idea with this seventh paragraph? =O&6nw)`}(Jr_4#3Jn[O~sM<9~7tU;6pNOZii/zs. He is used to the KGB knocking on his door to ask him challenging, accusing questions. Sergei knows that when he uses his third wish, he has to let his goldfish, who is now his best friend, free. D. The speaker applauds the Senators for being above criticism. The subtitle reveals the poem is about the speaker's father; "lived without ceremony" may mean he was common and ordinary; "Without Title may suggest an identity theme, or the lack or loss of identity. /SM 0.02 /Subtype /Image (C.) The legacy of someone who has died is what they have left behind. Explain. x, 100 points! 3 0 obj Of course, the wishes came with consequences, and the characters had to have had a reason to wish of these wishes. >> In each of the following sentences, underline the correct spelling of the word in parentheses. 6 0 obj The tone that is used is sympathetic. Does his response seem reasonable? The boy then goes towards Sergei 's magic goldfish, and Sergei thinks he will take the fish. One day, the family came to town for a second time after fall. m'Kf T [Content_Types].xml ( n0E Yes, It allows you to figure out on your own that Sergei made the right decision and used his last and final wish to save Yoni. Sergei thinks that Yonatan wants to take the goldfish. JFIF K K C The stories are similar and yet different in many interesting ways, and are both overflowing with hidden themes and morals. How does this lesson reveal a theme of the story? Consider how Sergei reacts when Yoni comes to his door. Does his response seem rational(reasonable) or not?How does sergei's cultural experience help explain his reaction? /Creator ( w k h t m l t o p d f 0 . luate The last section of the story is a flash forward. %PDF-1.4 One day, a boy named Yonatan comes to Sergei 's home, and asks him questions about what he would wish for. Why doesn't she try to intervene in the conflict between her parents? /BitsPerComponent 8 w !1AQaq"2B #3Rbr Surely the United States Senate is big enough to take self-criticism and self-appraisal. endobj How does Sergei's cultural experience help explain his reaction? Imagine surviving a fatal experience only to be punished and blamed for a death you could do nothing about. Sergei wants the goldfish to stay with him forever but the goldfish is ready to leave. How does Sergei's cultural experience help explain his reaction? Surely we should be able to take the same kind of character attacks that we "dish out" to outsiders. In both text, the three wishes are used in the same manner, but for different outcomes. . endobj He wants to help other but he has been burned in the past and he wants to use his last wish for himself. 2B?LRAP9lPAo4U+pNT&[9t]$!d+Nyzn+eqy\ Nz_^u/qO~ |6LvKd%8 H NW~Gqz/I2?iW]9U8"Q{@t,\`:v(0-qy# 5}2~xjtF'8L 5[d3s.c c\9aY57y`-`CO3 4Q Ir9'TdGcJI y^f27w-9 VNet Lop,0 v]D6]$| = -Oa~ xn+(6\c'g9Pt!=#ci1nt, LZW?|8]I8"Q*6AC>LWRed5X$.p6}y=hCz9l^e?2\}sO5' d@ {.qwh Z~/o ? /Width 625 Readers must inf pens in the intervening time between Sergei's conversation with the Yoni's final report on his video. 7) >> One of the themes of the story is history, which is that our actions have a price and we must think before acting. << Does the speaker think her father has remained true to himself? If you had the chance to have any three wishes granted, what would you wish for? Infer: When you infer, you use . PK ! endobj Because life is fleeting, people must find a way to make an impact on the world. Does his response seem rational(reasonable) or not? Fill each blank with the most appropriate word. /Filter /DCTDecode Lines 108-130 3.) Yoni, Sergei, and the goldfish? What does this poem express about the search for meaning? (D.) Everybody ends up in the same situation after they have lived on Earth. The speaker's father demonstrates that the man was constantly faithful, mindful and dealt with his family, despite the fact that nobody appeared to mind or give him recognition. Metabolism is the sum of all anabolic and catabolic reactions within a living organism to sustain life. Separation and isolation can bring a person to a serious mental and physical presence that can lead to some scary images. -~#gVaKFY( w~~xlm?` DNz7'> Q$j%3`{;*F6qvZ _(.-?d8-m xjMW verbally attack anyone else without restraint and with full protection and yet we hold ourselves above the same type of criticism here on the Senate Floor. Consider how Sergei reacts when Yoni comes to his door. I think the father would agree. Answer: Sergei's response (considering his personality and what he hides) is reasonable. Sergei thinks that Yonatan wants to take the goldfish. for the school, school lunches should be changed. What can you infer about Sergei's character based on the way he used his first two wishes? The lesson is that we must understand the situation before acting, as our action can serious consequences. The characters of both stories made some good and bad choices for their wishes; wouldn 't you! Infer : When you : Consider how Sergei reacts when Yoni comes to his door. << Lines 55-60 2.) [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] How does Sergei's cultural experience help explain his reaction? I hope this would help Advertisement Advertisement w !1AQaq"2B #3Rbr << Now that winter was on the way out, he knew things were getting better. Joshs feeling towards everything around him was good and even better based on this quote. /Type /XObject Sergei's reaction was unfriendly, he didn't feel like answering the questions Yoni had to ask him. /Height 155 %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz /CreationDate (D:20210323031214+02'00') The poem Abuelito Who by Sandra Cisneros and the folktale The Old Grandfather and His Little Grandson retold by Leo Tolstoy are two examples of this important lesson. << Experiencing negative things in life is the only way to grow and be transformed by them. /BitsPerComponent 8 Of course, the wishes came with consequences, and the characters had to have had a reason to wish of these wishes. These trait may help you make decisions these make you human. /AIS false Sergei does not doesn't seem rational because we are used to be free but Sergei when he was a kid a group KGB just barged into his home at anytime. :), how do u make some1 shush if they r really annoying? Every human has a trait that maybe good or bad Traits that make us who we are. The speaker is trying to get the Senators to take a good look at their own behavior before condemning others. #1) Consider how sergei reacts when yoni comes to his door. Analyze: What does the dialogue between Sergei and the goldfish reveal about their relationship? Does his response seem reasonable? /CA 1.0 A. 2. She doesn't try to intervene probably because she was just a child when the conflict happened. Explain alyze When Sergei realizes that Yoni is dead, he must make a decision. 8 . $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? influence him to concede the wish. How does Sergei's cultural experience help to explain his reaction? If you see they all want what people say brings happiness and they are different because they all wished for something different and something that would bring them happiness. The points of view of the Painted Door and Two Fisherman are both third person limited, which only have one characters emotional description, while other character only have physical description. however, his past does explain why he acts like this but it does not excuse his actions. /Title ( H o w t o m o v e a f r o n t l o a d i n g w a s h i n g m a c h i n e) Write in the blank the emphatic form of the verb in parentheses. Analyze: What does the dialogue between Sergei and the goldfish reveal about their relationship? Those are just some of the differences. How do these ideas relate to the theme of the poem? JFIF K K C /Type /ExtGState It might make him nervous to relive similar experiences or bring back bad memories of his experiences in Russia. Does his response seem rational (reasonable) or not? /SA true Sergei's response to the situation comes from the fact that he has had experiences with the KGB knocking on his door and asking questions, a parallel to Yonatan coming to ask questions. C q" 4 0 obj Isabel died in a car crash with Maddy in the passenger seat, and she has felt blamed by everyone, including her brother and Isabels friends. He is not interested in answering Yoni's reaction. Consider how Sergei reacts when Yoni comes to his door. Although he saw his actions as justified, i feel like he should have given yoni a chance. He wants to interview Sergei for a documentary film. /Type /XObject What misunderstanding causes the story's main problem? 6 0 obj /Width 625 The documentary Blackfish, directed by Gabriela Cowperthwaite released in July 2013, explores the mistreatment of killer whales and the relationship between the killer whales and trainers as well as the significant problems of the sea-park industry, with a focus upon SeaWorld. Either of the signers can _____ the agreement by giving thirty days' written notice to the other. l!iXw)1E?q|3}Z(c_47~&* 0R <8n3}G Sw~-]zLHnsJ~leZ(E>N8 _>) nK0>}GhCTmm | =kNG8l8 =jI[#?NE%IY?3'Mf3aol {7;2Kn%!gt$ 7.s9a=?hSNZ\[q=g\g7 m `11CRv7 question. /Subtype /Image << /CA 1.0 These are the two situations Sage and Maddy find themselves in after Isabels death (Sages girlfriend) in The Isabel Fish by Julie Orringer. What theme do these connections point toward? What details does the speaker use to contrast life in her father's original culture and life in the city? /Title ( W h a t o f t h i s g o l d f i s h w o u l d y o u w i s h t h e m e e v i d e n c e) This inevitably Demitri Bautista10/14/16Period #4Analyzing the Text Questions1.Consider how Sergei reacts when Yoni comes to his door. [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] 3 0 obj /ca 1.0 Because of Isabels death, Maddy 's relationship with her brother became a series of punishments, however, after Sage feels guilty for killing Maddy 's fish, they finally opened up to each other and their relationship strengthens. /Producer ( Q t 4 . Why do you think the author uses this motif? Does his response seem rational (reasonable) or not? We all have our differences, from food to language to beliefs.We all have troubles accepting differences, though, even the author of this herself. What do the poem's title and subtitle mean? The writers Grace Chua and F. Scott Fitzgerald incorporate the idea of desolation in their pieces to introduce the reader to the idea of loneliness and despair. 1 What, of This Goldfish, Would You Wish?Respond to the following questions using textual evidence to support your answers: Consider how Sergei reacts when Yoni comes to his door. However greedy, both stories also have different meanings behind the greediness. Frans: les verbes (vertalingen oefenen) MOEIL, myPerspectives: English Language Arts, Grade 7, Vocabulary for Achievement: Fourth Course, Glencoe Language Arts: Grammar and Language Workbook, Grade 9, 'Vessel' by Dawn Productions - 'The Elephant. /SA true he didn't even try to listen to Yoni, he just shoved the door in his face. The speaker thinks the Senators are hopelessly hypocritical. Create an account to view solutions 5) The theme is identity because the speakers father is without tittle, that means that his cultural identity was lost because he chose to move to the city and work there. Saving it for something. Right here we dont quite, This story made me think about how I was raised by my parents. What lesson is this archetypal wise character trying to convey? One has a narrator and one is told by the granddaughter. Sergei does not want to use his last wish because the fish is his only friend Consider how Sergei reacts when Yoni comes to his door. I cant, he says. endobj Not accepting differences could be the fall of humanity. The story is about her father who had no ceremonies or a title. It can thus stimulate human respiration and increase the metabolic rate (Haggins et al, 1915). %PDF-1.4 /SM 0.02 Yes, it allows us to figure out that Sergei made the right decision and used his last wish to save Yoni. Sergei also did not understand Yoni, but he didn't bother to. Now, imagine losing a girlfriend and almost losing a sister and having to live with the grief with no one to share your pain. How does Sergei's cultural experience help explain his reaction? The question ask to evaluate the reaction of Sergei's when Yoni comes to his door and based on my observation about the said story, the responds of Sergei would be reasonable because Yoni is now dead and he must to make a decision. Because of the high rate of obesity in our school, the waste of uneaten lunches, and the loss of income Explore how Dickens presents ideas about joy and happiness in A Christmas Carol. In the stories What of This Goldfish and The Fisherman and His Wife two men were given a certain amount of wishes. >> I was taught to take chances even if that meant I might fail. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. The father of the speaker is without title which means that his cultural identity was lost because he chose to move to the city and work there. |d H[!M[HLY9B huTEYz":X ~0x& lb IUQ9a)Y2 Sergei does not want to use his last wish because. 4 0 obj /Creator ( w k h t m l t o p d f 0 . What, of This Goldfish, Would You Wish? (page 7 lines 131-132) No, Sergei says. One theme is identity or the loss identity. 1 2 . /SMask /None>> /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB 5) B. $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? 5 Lines 55 - 59 ) 2. The energy required to perform these reactions is provided by oxygen in the form of ATP, therefore the oxygen consumption rate can be measured to determine the metabolic rate. He wanted to write an essay or a social commentary on the disconnect between our dreams and our reality. student writer plans to utlizie primarily wh 1 0 obj 7) Hes shaking his head from side to side. endobj How does Sergei's cultural experience help explain his reaction? When Sergei realizes that Yoni is dead, he must make a decision. 3. In his cultural experience Sergei remained quiet, without great socializing and would like to maintain his privacy. Because life can be incredibly painful, it is difficult to find its real meaning. How is the subject of death used to aid the morals of the tales in selected stories by the brothers Grimm ? In the stories what, of This Goldfish, Would You Wish?, The wife's story, and The lottery The main characters each show a clear character trait that drives them to make decisions and drive the story. What theme about happiness does the story convey through Sergei's . } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br Would the father agree? That Sergei did care about other people but for him was very difficult. In the stories What of This Goldfish and The Fisherman and His Wife two men were given a certain amount of wishes. Does his response seem rational (reasonable) or not? (A.) } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br Answer choices for the above question /Length 7 0 R One is about someone who is mistreated and one is about someone who dies. The fact it, one day, they wont. What might a door or doorway symbolize? 1.Consider how sergei reacts when yoni comes to his door. /ca 1.0 stream #2) How does sergei's cultural experience help explain his reaction? Yoni wanted success, Sergei wanted a friend and the goldfish wanted to be free. Imagine that you discovered a fish that would allow you to receive three wishes, with the ability to wish for anything, what would you use it for? /Filter /DCTDecode The boys father does not like the teacher, and he basically does not want his son to join any activity in the school so he strongly refused the teachers advice. Sergei was very hostile, this is because Russian immigrant and is used to the KGB knocking on his door to ask him accusing questions. /CreationDate (D:20210528211851+03'00') >> The poem and folktale The Old Grandfather and His Little Grandson and Abuelito Who are similar and different in plenty of ways. He is a Russian immigrant. In each short story the main character have traits like ambition, lovingness, and selfishness. The characters, theme, genre, change in characters, events, and message expressed by theme are different and similar. Wn[!w*k+Ig?VA. She is sharing those details because her moved to the city. . tQUUH},HM?/;@(I6H0s=xFV In the fictional short story What of This Goldfish, Would you wish, Sergei Goralick, a Russian hermit living in Jaffa, was. Later that night, Joshs father asked his mother what she bought from town. no, Sergei was rude to Yoni. Does his response seem reasonable? What can you infer about the speaker's feelings toward her father? flicting motivations must he sort out before he can decide whether or his last wish? /Length 7 0 R Although it is not taught to be selfish, at the end of the day, it is your main responsibility to take. please answer correctly! Does his response seem rational (reasonable) or not? What is similar and different about their wishes? /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB nW! What were African religious beliefs in the American colonies? Every so often, we take for granted those who are important in our lives. . /Height 155 I think that every time he opened a door there was always a different person and a different story or opinion. You ________ a lot about your vacation plans, Searas. He tries to talk Sergei into using his last wish to help Yoni so that the goldfish can leave. Analyze : What does the dialogue between Sergei and the goldfish reveal about their relationship?
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