When asked for a response, Pope was stunned that Pouweven acknowledged him at all. My whole family are artists, sort of beatniks.. Twin Peaks California is a real town and home to Scientology's Church of Spiritual Technology, where the cult leader's abused wife Shelly went missing. Construction began on the property about 1984-1985, including a road to the site and preparation for the vault excavation. ], [Trementina is an unincorporated town in the northeastern portion of New Mexico.]. [Mark Chauppetta, private eye, explains what Scientology operatives look for], MARTY RATHBUN AND THE SIEGE OF SOUTH TEXAS, [Scientology has Rathbun arrested] | [Rathbun and Mark Bunker reveal surprising ties] (Hes now married to someone else.) Attorneys for the church recently denied that she's missing, telling Us Weekly that Shelly Miscavige "is not missing. In the context of L. Ron Hubbard's ideas, Twin Peaks is a refuge from nuclear war: precisely calibrated, far from major populations, and designed to be a place where people can live for years. "I know that these jerks, if they ever had power, would come for me. Anonymous | 7. Twin Peaks, CA 92391. The CST oversees the Scientology scriptural archiving project, which aims to preserve the works of Hubbard on stainless steel tablets and encased in titanium capsules in specially constructed vaults throughout the world. The new generation of Iranians is seeking democracy and separation of religion and state. CSTs estates secretary had been overseeing numerous construction projects at the headquarters, but he had run afoul of Scientologys top management. If you had parasites would you tell everyone? [X Factors Stacy Francis: Her first husband, Michael Sandlofer, answers abuse claims] I got married to a second-generation Scientologist, Gill says. "There are numerous other examples of arrests by police for his harassment of Scientologists," Pouwwrote in an email to INSIDER. At the party, Gill was reunited with Gary Morehead, the man who had interrogated him at Happy Valley. On August 18, 1993, CST filed an application for tax exemption under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The vault entrance is not visible from the outside: a large, multi-story house was built around it to conceal it. This is the logo for the Church of Spiritual Technology, an arm of Scientology created in the early 1980s after the Internal Revenue Service revoked the group's tax-exempt status. Ask a Scientology member about her, and they won't say anything. Anyone coming from CST, it was very sensitive, says Gary Morehead, who was chief of security at Int Base and oversaw the interrogation of executives who had gone awry. "Its even worse now. This board has been closed for posting since October 1st 2019. But Miscavige can live with it. that Church of Spiritual Technology, a business entity qualified under the laws of the State. One way to look at Shelly's power is that she held watch over Tom Cruise, Scientology's most famous adherent. He says he decided to route out to leave the Sea Org. (An image of the ventilation house can be seen at the top of this story, taken from a CBS investigation that flew over Trementina.). Over the years, information has leaked out about CST and its extremely odd work building underground vaults to ensure that the words of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard survive a nuclear holocaust. It was a huge deal. Over time, Anonymous's persistent efforts against Scientology waned, but Pope kept going. [This Week Aboard the Apollo] | [Sunday Funnies], [Scientology spokesman Tommy Davis secretly recorded discussing disconnection] Former executives of the church told Wright that the church offered "unpaid clergy" to renovate their home and, in doing so, "installed a sophisticated audiovisual system." And after a botched reorganization project in 2006, according to Vanity Fair, she disappeared from public life. Andreas Heldal-Lund | 16. A local helped us pinpoint the location of the project, which is going on near a place called Sweeney Ranch. ", "The questions are entirely disingenuous since you know that Mr. and Mrs. Miscavige or anyone else for that matter would have no desire to see an obsessed stalker with a criminal record," Pouwwrote. He believes David Miscavige "disappeared"his wife inside this camp, and she has not been seen outside it since. Vote. [Scientology advertises for writers in Freedom magazine] "The more you scratch a mosquito bite the more it itches," Pope wrote. | [Top 25 People Crippling Scientology] Since L. Ron Hubbard himself died, David Miscavige has been the leader of the Church of Scientology. ], [CSTs complex lies just off Rim of the World Highway where it intersects with Lake Gregory Drive and Highway 189, called Squirrel Inn Road (this should get a chuckle from some readers Squirrel is Scientology jargon for heretic, and just about the worst thing you can call a church member. [Character actor Jason Beghe defects noisily] | [Actor Michael Fairman reveals his suppressive person declaration] | [Michael Fairman talks to the Voice] She botched a corporate reorganization project for the Sea Org and clashed with her husband over how to do it. We hadnt loaded anything into the vaults yet. It is important to the Scientology religion that its scripture be preserved in perpetuity so future generations have the exact and unerring words of the scripture in theirentirety. The site is about a .mw-parser-output .frac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .frac .num,.mw-parser-output .frac .den{font-size:80%;line-height:0;vertical-align:super}.mw-parser-output .frac .den{vertical-align:sub}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}2+12-hour drive east of Santa Fe. Titanium doesn't burn or rust, so Hubbard's words are remarkably protected against any kind of disaster. Gill says its called the Ventilation House. Trementinas LRH House is some distance away, and is only one story. Steve Hall, a former Scientologist who left the church in 2004 after spending the previous 17 years at its international management level as a senior writer of its marketing materials, spoke with Business Insider about where Shelly Miscavige might be. The site is marked from the air with Church of Spiritual Technology double diamonds. He was living in LA. Theres an argon gas system that will flush out the air in the room in three seconds, he says. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Building Information. ", Letter by the Internal Revenue Service to Flemming Paludan, Regional Director, Danish Tax-Office, Washington, D.C., USA, December 22nd, 1993, Summary Description of Other Scientology Organizations - CST (Church of Spiritual Technology), Author's Family Trust, ASI (Author Services Inc.) - CSI Prod. "If you do get out, they will chase you on motorcycles," he says. [Australian farmer blamed for giving Tom Cruise a bad shrimp, loses her friends, family], [Scientology chillin with hip hop!] I was sent to PAC for clearances, Gill says, and he explained that even if a young church member proved squeaky clean enough to become a Sea Org member, hed have to be even more unblemished for CST. ], [Birmingham in the House! "Just as you know this is simply the latest in his long string of harassment and stunts. As such, CST operates as the L. Ron Hubbard Library.[6]. And inside? Shelly Miscavige may still be working for the Church alongside her husband. Any reports that she is missing are false Mrs. Miscavige has been working non-stop in the Church, as she always has.". Reuters. Its set up so youll eventually fail, he says. The vault was started about 1986. L. Ron Hubbard | 2. He believes Shelly is at Scientology's little-known "Church of Spiritual Technology," a remote forest compound with prison-like security in Twin Peaks, Calif., near San Bernadino. Everybody went to sleep and I stayed up. Later, Dylan ran into his wife at Int Base while he was there working. ], [A Scientology spy comes clean: Paulien Lombards remarkable public confession], [Accidental leak shows Scientology spy wing plans to handle the, [Lori Hodgson and Disconnection: No ones going to take my eternity away], [Hey, Scientology Celebrity, Heres Your Media Training Checksheet! Shelly Miscavige her real name is Michele rose through the ranks of thechurch along with David Miscavige and becamewhat Vanity Fair called "the First Lady of Scientology." United States. But even these people adopt a somewhat hushed tone when they tell me about the most secret organization in all of Scientology, the Church of Spiritual Technology. The Church of Scientology's Church of Spiritual Technology has been located in Twin Peaks since 1982. Notable residents. As a kid, my own family used to go up to nearby Crestline to stay in a big, rustic old cabin. "For decades, Shelly Miscavige had been the First Lady of Scientology," Ned Zeman wrote Vanity Fair. CST operates numerous bases throughout the western United States. 581-88T, June 29, 1992). (Today, he notes, the RPF is no longer run at Happy Valley but at Int Base itself, which has a high wall with razor wire. I think it was around $20,000.. Since Gill left Scientology (more on that in a minute), CST began a new vault project in Wyoming, which raised the hackles of some residents there. 101 Grandview Rd. ], [The Petrolia vault is south of Eureka on the California coast. Starkey gave the property to the Church of Spiritual Technology in 1993. Twin Peaks is an unincorporated community in San Bernardino County, California, United States, located on California State Route 189 2.5 miles . The officialaddress is 25406 State Highway 189, Twin Peaks, California92391. ", According to former church member Dylan Gill, The Underground Bunker, a blog about Scientology, Pope estimates it is nearly33 acres in size, "The Hole" at Scientology's Gold Base near Hemet, California, and had to go through self-castigating punishments, he's an animator who's worked on two Emmy Award-winning shows, Many of the videos are available on his YouTube page. [Philip Boyd, Saving Grace actor, rips the business that is Scientology], [Our review of Inside Scientology] | [An interview with Janet Reitman] | [A report from Reitmans first book tour appearance] | [At the Half-King: Reitman not afraid] David Miscavige, the leader of the Church of Scientology, is one of the best-known Scientologists in the world. Dave Touretzky | 25. I came to the [Rimforest] base, and I was escorted to a car, and was driven down to Happy Valley.. It's important to note that Shelly Miscavige may not actually be held against her will. "In short, Myers is a man with a criminal record who will do or say anything to spread his venom and hate-filled agenda. Ex-Scientologists Mike Rinder, Marc Headley, and Aaron Smith-Levinson all think Shelly is posted at one of the Church of Spiritual Technology facilities near Twin Peaks, CA, working as part of the CST project to archive all of LRH's works on steel plates so that they'll be available after a nuclear apocalypse. I got an order to solve the problem. I like a lot of the indies. One person who has visited the compound is "Angry Gay Pope," the nom de guerre of an Anonymous activist who has staged protests against Scientology. CST was very hush-hush. Dylan Gill installed generators and oversaw other construction projects at CST properties for about three years. ", As with many activists, civil disobedience has gotten Pope into trouble with the law. I wasnt told what was the problem for why I was being busted down. Later, he says, he was told there were financial irregularities in his work. How are Churches of Scientology supported financially? [Sympathy for the Devil: Tory Christmans Story] | [Jeff Hawkins Counterfeit Dreams] That was one thing I did. You couldnt tell anybody at Int Base about it. It is marked by a CST logo visible only from a high altitude and was built in the late 1980s. Nobody knew where the CST headquarters was, Gill tells me while the sound of one of his young children putting up a fuss comes into and out of our telephone conversation. In the production buildings, where the Hubbard archives were being handled, they had actually constructed full-blown clean rooms, the kind of thing you normally only expect at high-tech firms. [clarification needed] The Church of Scientology International and most Scientology organizations settled with the IRS about 11 years later when the service passed a resolution in 1993 declaring the Church tax-exempt. Ken Dandar | 24. She left two suicide notes. But at the time, what upset him about it was that his interrogators were not following standard Scientology policy. Posted by 6 minutes ago. Pope went to the Twin Peaks compound following a reportfrom Tony Ortega, the former editor of the Village Voice who now runs The Underground Bunker, a blog about Scientology. An aunt was the first to get into the church, he says, and then her husband, Gills uncle. ], [The Wyoming complex is along Sweeney Ranch Road, south of the town of Rock Springs.]. ], [The Birmingham trove: 7,000 internal e-mails], [Australian farmer blamed for giving Tom Cruise a bad shrimp, loses her friends, family], [The curious career of Scientology rapper Chill EB], [Captain Bill Robertson and Galactic Patrol], [Scientology wants your money: Meet Dede! 1-8, Washington, DC 1993, Articles of Incorporation of Church of Spiritual Technology, Endorsed Filed in the Office of the Secretary of State of the State of California, Woodland Hills, California, May 27th, 28th & June 1st, 1982, Recognition Letter for 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status - Church of Spiritual Technology, Washington, DC, October 1st, 1993, "How to obtain permission to reprint The Way to Happiness booklets", "Church Scriptures Get High-Tech Protection", "A Place in the Desert for New Mexico's Most Exclusive Circles", Scientology Leader David Miscavige's Disappeared Wife Shelly: What We Know, Scientology's Secret Vaults: A Rare Interview With a Former Member of Hush-Hush "CST", "Church of Scientology asks for rezone to care for history", New Year 2000 event speech excerpt, by D.Miscavige, CST vs. IRS - United States Claims Court, June 29 1992, Patents by Assignee Church of Spiritual Technology, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Church_of_Spiritual_Technology&oldid=1151932177. [Giovanni Ribisi as David Koresh: Scientology-Branch Davidian link makes sense] The compound is technically run by the Church of Spiritual Technology, a division of the . With $14 million in projects, he was being accused of vague problems with expense receipts but as weve heard from several former high-ranking officials, executives often found themselves sent to Happy Valley or a place called The Hole at Int Base for reasons that were hard to understand. CST does business as L. Ron Hubbard Library. Today Gill, 41, lives in Las Vegas with his wife and two kids and life is pretty normal. ", "When I left the Catholic Church, my mom was upset, and I got a call from the local priest," Pope said. ], [A review of Urbans scholarly history of the church], [The Money Machine: another blockbuster, [Marc Headley: Tom Cruise told me to talk to a bottle], [Sympathy for the Devil: Tory Christmans Story], [86 Million Thin Dimes: The Lawrence Wollersheim Saga], [Scientology in Israel: Arson, attempted murder, paranoia and a visit by the, [Scientology dodges a bullet in Australia], [Scientology sees fundraising gold in the UK riots], [Aussie former rugby pro Chris Guider calls David Miscavige toxic and violent], [Stephen Cox, UK church newbie, pledges 20K pounds], [Biggi Reichert: A German Lisa McPherson? The compound at Rimforest had quite a few structures, but the point of the thing the point of all of CSTs bases was its vault. Scientologys administrative headquarters are in Los Angeles, housed in the former Cedars of Lebanon hospital on a street that was renamed L. Ron Hubbard Way (Scientologists refer to the place as Big Blue or PAC base, for Pacific Area Command). ], [The building near the circular drive in the center has an elevator that lowers into the twin vaults below. Amy Scobee | 19. ], [Petrolias vault entrance, farther along the road, inland from the previous image. Mention CST, and even longtime former members of the church admit that they knew almost nothing about it, or even where CSTs own super-secret headquarters was located. Mike Rinder | 9. Because once theyd identify you and they did theyd go to peoples homes and businesses and theyd try to get your landlord to kick you out, try to get your boss to fire you. Church of Spiritual Technology (CST) is a California nonprofit religious corporation formed in 1982 to preserve and archive the Scientology scripture and so ensure its availability for all future generations. The Church of Spiritual Technology (CST) is a California 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, incorporated in 1982, which owns all the copyrights of the estate of L. Ron Hubbard and licenses their use. Russell Bellin: . Pope said he met with a woman who claimed she met Miscavige and that she looked like "an emaciated homeless person" and had two younger men trailing behind her. Last year in Texas, there was a gathering of Independent Scientologists people who have left the church over their problems with the management of leader David Miscavige, but who still adhere to the ideas of L. Ron Hubbard. Several observers said that there was little love between the two. The 2014 Vanity Fair article says Miscavige was responsible for restructuring the upper levels of Scientology, but she told a former Scientology member at her father's funeral that she had "f----d up.". Attend church at 14211 Twin Peaks Road to reflect, worship God, strengthen your spiritual connections, and focus on Jesus . Other ex-Scientologists tend to call the compound "Twin Peaks," which is the name of another nearby mountain village. CST conducts an extensive program of activities to preserve and archive the Scientology Scriptures for use by future generations. I was made to sign a Sea Org contract at 14, and was sent to Flag. She responded by turning him in, writing a Knowledge Report about the incident. 25406 State Highway 189, Twin Peaks, CA 92391; Coordinates: Latitude: 34.229853 Longitude: -117.25: Product: Preservation and archiving of L. Ron Hubbard's writings and lectures. He found spiked "ultrabarrier" spiked fences, razor wire, motion detectors,infrared spotlights, and satellite dishes. The first page of fifty photos from the raid by the Angry Gay Pope and Anonorange on May 15, 2010. We're sure you'll find Twin Peaks Community Church has something for everyone. "The questions are entirely disingenuous since you know that Mr. and Mrs. Miscavige or anyone else for that matter would have no desire to see an obsessed stalker with a criminal record," Pouwwrote. Other Scientology organizations require all corporate officers to be Scientologists in good standing, along with Scientologist general directors and staff. Since his last visit, it hasbecome harder to see inside the compound. Anti-Scientology Billboard Begs Kids to Call Home, Church of Scientology Wants to Put Up Another Giant Glowing Sign in Los Feliz, Plans Revealed For New Los Feliz Home of Silverlake Conservatory of Music, Tom Cruise Selling His Place in the Hollywood Hills For $13MM, An Introduction to the Long History of Los Angeles Cults. Land owned here by the Church of Spiritual Technology, was acquired from the Estate of Simona Padilla by Grant Deed dated 2/3/1984. The board remains as an archive for reading and research purposes. I know what fascism is all about," Pope said. Topline Hockey hopes to make the glide path to the NHL easier for New York City kids. Around that time, she stopped appearing in public. [1], A 1993 memorandum by the Church of Scientology International stated that the organization, is an autonomous church of the Scientology religion outside the international Scientology ecclesiastical hierarchy. ), Theres another interesting feature at Trementina. CSTs compound, however, is in the mountains above San Bernardino, near Lake Arrowhead as Amy Scobee pointed out, even high-level executives at Int Base had no idea where it was. The Church of Spiritual Technology (CST) is a California 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation,[2] incorporated in 1982, which owns all the copyrights of the estate of L. Ron Hubbard and licenses their use. It was pretty hard for me. The vaults are the project of the Church of Spiritual Technology, a hush-hush . The company has been registered US DOT since 10-JUL-01MCS-150 Vehicle Mileage reported . A runway for smaller airplanes is located on CST owned land in connection to the site. Gill was sent up to take over the estates secretary position, and would oversee a budget of about $14 million to fund 16 different ongoing construction projects at the Rimforest complex. 11 Los Angeles renters rights everyone should know. But then he stopped paying. Theres everything you need to make use of the materials. Church of Spiritual Technology or CST in short is the part of Scientology that owns the rights to the works of L Ron Hubbard. (But he says that did happen to others.). But the highest levels of international management are housed at a secretive desert base near Hemet, about 85 miles east, which Scientologists call Int Base or Gold, because it houses Scientologys audiovisual studios, Golden Era Productions. [When Scientology was hip] | [Sad: David Miscavige makes fun of his own fundraisers] [Desperate Scientology fundraising caught on video], The Ice May Be Synthetic, But the Dreams Are Real. It is a Church in the Scientology religion. The original short strip was expanded in the early 1990s on land acquired by a land swap deal between CST and neighboring land owners in 1992. P.O. Plates etched, Compact discs copied. [Scientology dodges a bullet in Australia] | [Scientology exec Jan Eastgate arrested] "Its responsible for making sure that L. Ron Hubbards words surviveWorld War III," in Angry Gay Pope's words. While the vault would hold all of the Hubbard materials, each base would need housing for staff, and all of it would need to have power from big, reliable generator sets. The property is used as an archival document storage repository, which will store religious documents preserved by CST. And that brought him to the attention of Gary Morehead. ], [The same spot on the ridge today, showing areas cleared off and several structures. According to the Los Angeles Times, the CST "is using state-of-the-art technology to protect Hubbard's writings, tape-recorded lectures and filmed treatises from natural and man-made calamities, including nuclear holocaust.". You also have the option of receiving more information on Scientology. Gill also made trips to a vault being constructed in an old mine near Tuolumne, California, and referred to it as the Lady Washington Mine. [CSTs logo is carved into the desert floor not far from the vault entrance. This aerial view has notations by Angry Gay Pope. The more important you are in the church, though, the more you learn. It is, of course, possible that's entirely wrong. I asked Gill if he knew what his predecessor had done so wrong. The Squirrel Busters: [Goons with cameras on their heads] | [Rathbuns open letter to neighbors] | [Ingleside on the Bay, Texas rallies to Rathbuns cause] | [Squirrel Busters claim to be making a documentary] | [VIDEO: On a Boat] | [Anna sent to creep out Monique Rathbun] | [Squirrel Busters go hillbilly] | [A videographer blows the whistle on the goon squad] | [Ed Bryan, OT VIII, shows the power of Scientologys highest levels], [Secret Scientology documents spell out spying operation against Marc Headley] And I was given a lot of sec-checking. As an example, he tells me about a time one winter when things were icy and the footing was unsure. Gill wanted me to know, however, that he doesnt consider himself an Independent Scientologist. For a decade, no one has seen his wife in public. I asked him what the plans for the titanium capsules looked like. We set up a pump room on a thermostat. He also noticed another thing from his visits: they extended and updated the fence. The Ideal dance mix] | [Scientology and the Nation of Islam] [Scientologists: How many of them are there, anyway?] If they had been, they wouldnt be blaming him for something that another person had done. This is plainly obvious to anyone with a modicum of common sense.". CST made a lot of trips to China to get a deal going on the time capsules and new e-meters, he adds. The plan was to make each base completely self-sufficient, Gill says. Calvary Chapel Lake Arrowhead is a non-denominational church whose desire is to know. My dad and I werent communicating well, so my uncle got us into Scientology, he says. But we were pushing to get everything by LRH archived. at "Flag," the church's spiritual headquarters in Clearwater . This agreement was subject to an additional "Option Agreement" between Hubbard, RTC and CST. ", He also wondered why the Church of Scientology did not make a "hate video" for him. [17] Its founders included Meade Emory,[18] a non-Scientologist who used to work for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) but went into private practice as a tax lawyer. [Ramana Dienes-Browning, marriage at 16, sexual interrogation, life in the engine room] As at Rimforest, Tremintinas vault was in place, but was mostly empty. Company: Church Of Spiritual Technology. Jason Beghe | 10. Close. Journalists and former Church of Scientology members say she's in a compound owned by the church right outside of Twin Peaks, California, deep in the woods by Lake Arrowhead. A more famous one is "The Hole" at Scientology's Gold Base near Hemet, California. So at this point, the vaults themselves were empty. They took their work very seriously. [Scientology doesnt like Inside Scientology] | [Q&A at Washington Post] Youre dealing with so many projects and so much money, theres no way youre going to succeed. [Birmingham in the House! Hubbard's taped lectures are recorded again into gold compact discs encased in glass.[8]. One long shaft, with a dividing wall about halfway down, with another vault door inside of the main vault., There was equipment, too. Trementina's ventilation house: Vault entrance? "I went with the pope hat. They call it "Twin Peaks.". Nick Xenophon | 12. The Church of Scientology denies that "The Hole" exists. Reel-to-reel players, for example, and other devices that could make use of the things that would be stored. [Tad Reeves: Scientology might listen to this guy] | [More Tad Reeves and family] [Tom Cruise told me to talk to a bottle] | [Tom Cruise likes coconut cake] | [Tom Cruise has a sense of humor] | [Tom Cruise not a kook!] | [Paulette Cooper on Tom Cruise]
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