You will need operational communications equipment, MEDEVAC request format, and unit signal operation instructions (SOI). This is where the patient pick-up would be. Photo By Spc. Total readiness encompasses training, equipment and personnel and maintaining that readiness reassures our allies and deters potential adversaries. MEDEVAC units will have varied response times but giving them notification of the situation as soon as possible will help reduce their time to the station. Unformatted text preview: finally comes to a stop, you notice SGT Doe is struggling to breathe and is gasping for air. On July 14, the 9-line radio call requested a hoist evacuation. This is given in an MGRS 6 to 8 digit grid. Is It True My Uncharacterized Discharge Will Convert to Honorable After Six Months? l a 7 kd $$If l $ V% 4 The Medevac team will need some type of Jaws of Life equipment to get him out. l a *|$1$If ^`| 7 kd $$If l $ V% 4 l a R S { C ; $1$If 7 kd $$If l $ V% 4 To contact ArmyStudyGuide, email us. M Mechanism of injury (mine, GSW, RPG, RTA, etc. . (1) Make proper contact with the intended receiver. We used both to call in for the Afghan Nationals and the CDC was being run by the Geneva Forcespart of our joint alliance out of Camp Dwyer. B US Civilian If a MEDEVAC is improperly requested, the patient may not receive medical care promptly, possibly resulting in catastrophic consequences. A Panels: This provides information as to what color the panels are going to be. Location of the pick-up site. Realistic, scenario based training is critical in showcasing the U.S Armys ability to work with fellow NATO host nations and provide valuable interoperability between our allies and partners. D None This information informs the Medevac team whether the area has been secured or will require an escort. It is a tried and true method that is used in multiple scenarios in multiple practice environments throughout the world. Personnel calling in a MEDEVAC while in a state of panic may relay incorrect information or speak in a manner that is incomprehensible over the radio. a. l a 7 kd $$If l $ V% 4 This can be a card placed in an IFAK, on a radio, or kept in a pocket. @ s t { C 7 kds $$If l $ V% 4 Still have any questions for 9 line medevac example and answers, feel free to write in the comments. Responsibilities, Authorities, Latest (See STP 21-1-SMCT, task 113-571-1022.) l a ytYa $1$If ) *  v v $ h> $1$If ^`>a$ h> $1$If ^`>Z kdv $$If l 4F f!$ 4 S X ~ ) * + , - Z | } ) > 6 n #` bjbjmm 4J f % 8 s ( ( 6 . C Smoke signal Full Document. injuries that are not immediately life-threatening but could become fatal eventually. This is not only valuable information to have when calling in the 9line but it will also allow medical personnel to accurately triage patients based on their medical condition and chances of living. A U.S. Army crew chief with the 2-501st General Support Aviation Battalion (GSAB), 1st Armored Division, based in Ft. Bliss, Texas, peeks slightly out of a HH-60M MEDEVAC, making sure it is safe to land below during Guardian Response 18 at Muscatatuck Urban Training Center, Ind., April 20, 2018. Our ability to quickly respond and reassure allies and partners rests upon the fact that we are here, in Europe, forward and ready. Additionally, training should include stressful scenarios where personnel, from privates to senior officers, practice calling in MEDEVACS to training cadre. Standards: Transmit a MEDEVAC request, providing all necessary information as quickly as possible. (3) Give the following in the clear "I HAVE A MEDEVAC REQUEST;" wait one to three seconds for a response. Once in the air, the operator will relay the final four lines in the same manner given. Contact the unit that controls the evacuation assets. You or an assistant will act as the radio contact at the evacuation unit during "transmission" of the request. l a F$1$If ^F` 7 kd l a ; > A w w $ h> $1$If ^`>a$ h> $1$If ^`> X kdw $$If l F f!$ 4 Line 6: E Hostiles in the area. l a G H . MEDEVAC REQUEST (9 Line Brief): a. l a *|$1$If ^`| = > G { C 7 kd $$If l $ V% 4 Copyright 2023 Overall the exercise was great practice in emulating realistic conditions and provided the unit with valuable experience in a variety of medical emergency situations. LINK Word.Document.8 "C:\\Documents and Settings\\barcusra\\My Documents\\common07\\smct sl24\\0101 medevac\\036_157.doc" Table 081-831-0101-1 MEDEVAC Request Format "c:\\asat\\asat_036\\036_157.doc" LINK Word.Document.8 C:\\asat\\ASAT_036\\036_977.doc Table 081-831-0101-1 MEDEVAC Request Format (cont) "c:\\asat\\asat_036\\036_977.doc" Evaluation Preparation: Setup: Evaluate this task during a training exercise involving a MEDEVAC aircraft or vehicle, or simulate it by creating a scenario and providing the information as the Soldier requests it. In this step, medical personnel and medically trained operators can start to tend to life-threatening wounds while maintaining security. with green smoke. N Nuclear N No enemy troops in area Special equipment required: Readiness isnt episodic, but must be sustained over time to be effective and requires coherent systems. NBC Contamination: No signal required. f. Determine the security of the pickup site. Line 9: In a clearing at the edge of a tree line. While ensuring the scene safe is important, getting the MEDEVAC out is also critical. Can You Explain How Chapter 35 Benefits Work? 9-line MEDEVAC steps Step 1: Conduct care under fire and TCCC (Tactical Combat Casualty Care) Step 2: Determine the number of patients by type of Step 3: Contact MEDEVAC channel Step 4: Using 9-Line MEDEVAC format call-in MEDEVAC. Performance MeasuresGONO-GO 1. At all costs, the firefight must be won before moving towards rendering aid to the wounded. Write an essay on the annual patriotic theme. (1) State all line item numbers in clear text. % You have one burned Soldier. A 6 & 8 B 6 & 9 C 3 & 5 D 3 & 7. . Line 6 - (Peacetime)1 fractured right forearm with cuts to face; 1 severe cuts to face and neck and bleeding profusely; 1 unconscious with bruising to chest and extreme difficulty breathing. Line 4: None was requested. Armored escort IS required. There ARE different competing standards, and each agency will have its internal standard. l a 2 00 P / =!"#$% ] $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 4 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a Z $$If !v h5 V%#v V%:V l 5 V%/ 4 a 9 D d When using DRYAD Numeral Cipher, the same SET line will be used to encrypt grid zone letters and coordinates. First Aid and Field Communication lab October 18th, 2019 9 Line MEDEVAC Scenarios Scenario 1: Situation: You are participating in a training exercise at Fort Polk, Louisiana. This is usually the most common method used. # ) $$$1$If a$ $$1$If 1$ : kdAv $$If l $ V% 4 B Ambulatory, Line 6. Line 8:Patient Status and Nationality(If Known) A= US/ Coalition Military, Nationality= B= US/ Coalition Force Civilian, Nationality= C= Non-Coalition Force Soldier, Nationality= D=Non US/Coalition Civilian, Nationality= E= Enemy Prisoner of War F= High-Value Target (Armed Escort Required)Line 9:WARTIME: NBC Contamination. Line 3. False 3. Number of patients by precedence: Your buddy next to you gets shot in the arm, and needs to be evacuated pronto. Transmit, as a minimum, line numbers 1 through 5 during the initial contact with the evacuation unit.. b. D Routine If so, what type? You hear a loud explosion. Transmitted the MEDEVAC request as quickly as possible, following appropriate radiotelephone procedures. Evaluation Guidance: Score the Soldier GO if all performance measures are passed. Get started for free! Can I Get An Extension On My Post 9/11 GI BIll So I Can Finish My Bachelor's Degree? In the chaos of war, its not as easy as just picking up the phone and calling 911 for help. Bravo five this is Victor two, request 9 line MEDEVAC Victor two this is Bravo five prepared to copy Line one, one eight sierra whiskey papa one two tree one four five one seven Line two, two seven zero zero Bravo Five Line tree, alpha one, bravo tree line four, alpha line five, alpha four How copy over? At this point, the MEDEVAC line will repeat all given and initiate a movement for MEDEVAC. N N N - N N mvM d C 0 s E" N E" E" ( N N N N N N N 6 X N N N s N N N N tc "081-831-0101 Request Medical Evacuation" \l 1Request Medical Evacuation 081-831-0101 Conditions: You have a casualty requiring medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) and you will need a patient pickup site. A medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) can be performed during wartime, a natural disaster, or in specific instances where a medical evacuation is required after vehicle accidents or manmade situations such as active shooters or terrorist attacks. Compensation may impact where the Sponsored Schools appear on our websites, including whether they appear as a match through our education matching services tool, the order in which they appear in a listing, and/or their ranking. Line 9: No NBC detected at this time. Your unit will mark the LZ with green smoke. A 9 Line MEDEVAC Request is part of this "field triage" process-the "first-to-fly" patients are identified and given priority, the others are transported in order of need as described on the form. Medical evacuation, often shortened to MEDEVAC or MEDIVAC, 9-line MEDEVAC is the timely and efficient movement and en route care provided by medical personnel to wounded being evacuated from a battlefield or combat zone to injured patients being evacuated from the scene of an accident to receiving medical facilities, or to patients at a rural hospital requiring urgent care at a better-equipped facility using medically equipped ground vehicles (ambulances) or aircraft (air ambulances). A US Military Shelley Osborne Stanly Community College View profile Send e-mail This activity was created by a Quia Web subscriber. Posts. . Contact the unit that controls the evacuation assets. He is burned, immediate surgery. This information will provide the Medevac team with a potential threat to containment inside of the helicopter. Radio frequency, call sign, and suffix. ey1H+}BtHCx PPXB@ hYa OJ QJ UV^J h"K, CJ aJ $j hYa hYa 5B*U\ph !j&K endobj jungle penetrator D- Ventilation, A- Litter- cannot walk on their own B- Ambulatory- able to self-move to MEDEVAC platform, N- No enemy troops in area P- Possible enemy troops in area (approach with caution) E- Enemy troops in area (approach with caution) X-Enemy troops in area (armed escort required). This is information that will lead to possible imminent infection or possible lethal exposure. No matter what the situation on the ground the radio operator should remain calm and collected at all costs. Its always important to remain calm on the radio and ALWAYS have a 9 Line MEDEVAC on hand. The configuration and structuring of the litter patients on the carousel will allow support units to set patients up on oxygen for the duration of the flight. 1 Location/Pick up site Eight or ten digit grid coordinates of pick up site Required to know where to pick up the patient . * In peacetime number and types of wounds, injuries, and illnesses, Line 7. Maybe there is mountainous terrain and will need to hover. 9 Line Medevac request Scenario 1: (Wartime) You are conducting a routine foot patrol with two other members from your team. Units such as Air Force PJs are a perfect example of a MEDEVAC response. You are in a clearing at the, LG70368730. Your email address will not be published. A 9 Line Medevac is a standard collection of codes that every Marine, military officer, helicopter and medical personnel (everyone at the Shock . $$If l $ V% 4 9 Terrain Description (Peacetime). Your email address will not be published. How Long Does It Take To Get My First Post-9/11 GI Bill Housing Allowance? She lives in a very small space. hYa OJ QJ UV^J hYa h j h"K, UhYa hYa 6h"K, h"K, 5\ h"K, j h"K, U* O \ ] G H (U.S. Army photo by Spc. How Do I Switch from the Montgomery GI Bill to the Post 9/11 GI Bill? <> X Confirmed enemy troops in the area, are hostile and heavily armed. Conclusion, That is all about 9 Line Medevac: How To Call It and 2 Real World Example Scenarios. There are no Enemy troops in the area and no threat of an NBC attack. (important: always ensure marking equipment is available to the marking personnel. The ability to react quickly to a medical emergency is paramount to any Army operation. l a 7 kd' $$If l $ V% 4 So it can be difficult but is a very important training aspect. You never know when YOU may be calling in a MEDEVAC and you never want to wait until the situation takes place to figure out that you are unable to call it incorrectly. Communication between sites and moving assets is essential. (SELFPICKED), MEDEVAC call sign is Dragon Air , frequency 36.90. Unfortunately, in todays military, the chances of using a 9 line MEDEVAC format in combat are high and many operational personnel are not receiving the training required to call it into medical personnel correctly. pen flare, red star cluster C- Smoke Signal- (provide smoke color) D- None E- Other- i.e. If you are going to throw purple smoke, ensure you have purple smoke on hand) A- Panels- i.e. l a F$1$If ^F` 7 kd $$If l $ V% 4 Report has recently been incorporated into the 9 Line MEDEVAC format and traditionally comes after the 9 Line Format. One of the key capabilities of any aviation brigade is the ability to successfully maneuver to a patient on the battlefield and provide rapid medical evacuation. a. The M.I.S.T. U.S. government agencies have not reviewed this information. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. All supplies were already on hand because we had a well-stocked medical MRAP at the scene. 3. E Other, Line 8. Does My Time as an AGR Recruiter Count Toward Post 9/11 GI Bill Eligibility? B Hoist: This means that the Medevac team is going to have to pick up the litter and cannot land the helicopter. Security at pick-up site: There is a military version and a non-military one used, but for the sake of this article, I will discuss the one used by U.S. Armed Forces. You are moving along the designated route that runs through an open field. A- Urgent (surgical)- i.e. Number of patients: Req(hoist, ventilator, extraction device)Line 5:Number of Patients by Type:L+# of litter patents A+# of ambulatory patientsLine 6:Wartime: Security of Pickup SiteN- No Enemy Troops P- Possible Enemy Troops in Area E- Confirmed Enemy Troops in Area (Use Caution) X- Engaged With Enemy Troops (Armed Escort Required)Line 7:Marking of Pickup Site(Panel, Smoke, Lights-What Color?)
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